The last 24 hours

The last 24 hours

Sunday morning I had a meaningful call with DR. It was my turn to interview her and encourage her to stretch and reach to her highest and best. Some 90 minutes zipped by as we rode the river of love and abundance together.

Vision in common: living in a penthouse condo on a sandy warm beach. On my 100th birthday a line of people down the beach to speak of the honor of my influence in their lives. That I showed up made a difference. And in all the generations to come. In gratitude we honor each other. As witness to the journey we each take. What love is this? Love is in the details. Listening, understanding and taking time to care. Speak from the heart. We are one. I care deeply about you and want to hear your story. I love you.

“if I had the time and energy, I would be everyone’s best friend!”.

Compassion, caring love, like a child, playful and with joy and ease. No inhibitions, laughing.

Holding the vision, I am interviewing Oprah. I am hosting DeWitt Jones and the National Geographic. I am traveling the world and speaking as an honored guest on cruise ships. I share stories accompanied by my photos and paintings. I am vulnerable as I celebrate my joy with unlimited energy and enthusiasm.

I went shopping to assist Deb to select her celebratory coming out dress for her personal growth journey. About five hours enjoying some time together. Home to watch the Academy Awards with my partner. Great fun. I began the first reading week of Gabrielle Bernstein May Cause Miracles book.

This morning I start back on phase 1 of PQ program for healthy weight management with Univera. A new goal is set, the wind is blowing and I am ready for meditation, mindful eating, accountability partners and some time on my vision and purpose.

Today hopefully my new website will start to take shape, Perhaps some water color painting, certainly laundry, meeting with franchise partner to discuss business, and my daughter is off on another journey of exploration in her life. Accent Inns have posted my blog and paintings as well as photographs on their website for international sharing. Wow! Attracting greatness.

Today is full of love and life as my river rapids are bubbling with excitement. Preparation for sky diving, travel back to Greece, applying for and preparing for new livelihood and higher income. I visualize and affirm my future in playful detail and I feel love and excitement, living my bliss.

I am grateful for relationships, significance, mastermind, friendship, Univera, world travel, competence, happiness, feeling giddy and playful, meditation and showing up as the leading lady in my own life movie, singing my song.

Thanks for joining me.

With love,


Daily Rituals

Daily Rituals

Good morning dear ones.

I have been reading and listening to some awesome inspiring and motivating books lately . I want to share a bit of what I have learned and have put in to practice. I hope you enjoy the offering.

Every morning I wake and say the mantra of ho’oponopono to clear the memories from my sleep and any thoughts.

I follow this with approximately 5 minutes of visualizing how I want to feel, in playful detail. I feel joy.

I wake early, before my alarm goes off, to the excitement of what may show up in my life today. I know that every day something wonderful happens.

I have my morning routine with Xtra vitality beverage ( mixed with Meta Greens to create a large cocktail with plenty of water to hydrate early. I drink Aloe Gold and Km, and whip up a bowl of PQ chocolate cake for breakfast. Vitamins and supplements to increase my resistance to health risks but also to assist with boosting my vitality and vibrancy.

I write. My goal is 1000 words a day. Sometimes I reach the goal. I love writing and find it is one form to express my creativity. Other forms include water color painting, quilting, and making vision boards and collages.

Meditation, visualization and affirmations can be powerful to set the mind on the present and change an attitude to one of positivity, promise and probability. 10 minutes a day is a gift.

Review the to-do list for the day. No more than 5 items listed in priority order, perhaps consult the weekly and monthly priorities to ensure steps taken are in the general direction of how I want to feel, my desired state.

Attend to health and fitness, consider choices with some consciousness and no guilt. If today is the day I want a glass of wine or a piece of fudge, then let it be. If today I am determined to keep to my healthy foods and abundance of water, than celebrate success for using my will power. In some cases it is won’t power! Celebration and acknowledgment and positive self talk, following conscious decision making is a wonderful practice. Exercise in the form of walking, the gym, learning to run, 4 minute tabata workout etc. enjoy the sweat.

A ten minute tidy, I heard Faith use this phrase. At the end of my work day I clean off my desk, tidy the papers and put away my daytimer. How else can I declutter and simplify my workstation? I am now practicing this same activity at my home office. As well, commit to removing one item from my bedroom every day …. A piece of clothing I no longer enjoy, a book I won’t read again,a hat I bought on impulse and has lost its shape, a sock with a hole in it. One item times 365 days can be serious decluttering!

Gratitude. I keep a specific journal by my bed to list at least three different things I am grateful for at the end of the day. Try to keep variety and hopefulness as part of the practice. Having a beautiful journal is part of the experience. A nice pen and reading glasses always at the ready is also part of the luxury.

Getting enough sleep. My phone is set to remind me at 8 pm that it is time to retire for the day. I am up early in the morning and want to ensure I am the best I can be each day, which equates, for me, that I have slept my full 8 hours. While not always possible, I believe that the routine is good for me and I don’t mind breaking the rules from time to time.

Date night. I enjoy movies, dinner out, and walks on them beach with my partner. I make a commitment to time spent when the focus is on our relationship and our future, and always for fun and enjoyment of time together. Date weekends are also a great idea.

Planning travel is part of my every day activities however and whenever I can fit it in. Vision boards, making flight arrangements, saying yes to opportunities that come my way as a travel consultant. I am always on the look out for dream vacation ideas. I also search out vacations for others so am always finding ideas that are new for me and open yet more doors for international experiences. You can reach me at or shop my website at your leisure

More ideas are welcome and I invite you to share your rituals with me.

Have a meaningful and fun day!


Culture of YES!

Who do I surround myself with? What are the actions I take every day to live in my culture of “yes”? What books I read and listen to keep me fine tuned to this positive frame of thought. When I look out life’s window and in to my soul, what are the limitless possibilities and what then are the probabilities?

I have a vision, a dream, a way of life I aspire to live. I visualize and affirm, in sensory detail the feelings and experiences I foresee. A premonition of my present in the future. I take steady and small steps daily toward the general direction of my desires.

It may be a bit like visiting a foreign land as a traveler. I am a foreigner at first and then as I learn the language and meet the community slowly and surely I become one with the tribe. I am in and creating a culture. A great mentor of mine, Renee, says “when a particle meets a wave”.

The world changes when I show up living my true purpose.

My craft, my art, is communication with women around the world. I take steps and relay my experiences for the world to take note of. One or two or many more will sit up and breathe in a new inspiration and take some action. I create a movement.

Thanks ever so much for joining me and being witness to my craft and my life. I cherish you for simply being present with me as I climb.

With love and deep gratitude,


Ps. I love SUCCESS magazine, check it out at your local magazine stand!

Pss. My favorite authors right now, Mike Dooley and Danielle LaPorte … Check them out on Audible!

What if This is That Day?

Feb 17 2013

Do you remember the day it all began? The day all the questions came at you at once and you were able to see with crystal clarity your life purpose?

I am so inspired and touched by the journey of my life. Today I can visualize the top, my highest and best, my ultimate happy place, my top 1% of my very best day of the best year of the best decade of this life.

My friend interviewed me this morning. We get together by phone and in person several times a week to talk about life and our respective journeys. We share our muses and the latest books we read and the experiences we have had. The ah-hah moments that rock our world.

Today , in the interview, I said with clarity my priorities of livelihood, travel, health, family and to improve the lives of women around the world. I explored verbally in detail how I came to have these priorities and what I do every single day to take steps toward my highest and best: how I visualize and what practices I personally maintain to ensure I am taking daily steps toward the top of my Mt Everest.

I talked about my craft and what I do to log my 10,000 hours of brilliance toward my genius; becoming world class. I honored and witnessed my own journey and then that of my friend. I celebrate my steps in the direction of my desires and dreams: fine tuning and yahoo-ing as I go; singing my song in my own voice. I recorded the words, the message and the dream so I can reflect and review this day, this moment and this step on my life journey.

I have goosebumps and a few tears of emotion as I tell the story I once heard from the first woman, Canadian, who climbed Mt Everest and the lesson of that adventure. I see with some more clarity what I must do for my own journey. I must have witnesses and I surround myself with support and talent and love.

I ask my friend if she is closer to seeing her purpose in this life. She responds with careful thought and I witness the spark. And I wonder, out loud, what if I was there that day Bill Gates or Mother Theresa or Madonna found their song? What if I am witnessing such a global life changing moment right now?

What if this is THAT day?

Grammieblog entry: Weekend Travel

Armed with ereaders and iPhones set on Audible, Grammies were on the road this first long weekend in February in British Columbia. The Greyhound and Pacific Coach bus service was full to overflowing moving Grammies around the province for some grammalove.

I met and witnessed some wonderful caring and loving women in all shapes and sizes heading out and heading home. Once every 3 months or so ladies hit the road for those heartwarming hugs with beloved children and their precious offspring. I was in good company.

Women in my travel club ask me about weekend getaways and when our next trip is. Maybe relying a bit on my adventurous spirit to organize a trip they can join. The truth is that I have a commitment to travel on average every 6 weeks, or 8 times a year. I plan half of those trips with family and close friends for hugs and time spent enjoying our life journeys together. The measure of my travel plans is often not just where I go but who I travel with.

I combine my trips with business and pleasure. On this trip I enjoyed overnight sleepover visits with Joanne, Cari, Tuulikki, Peg and my beautiful daughter. I also had a long overdue visit with Marcia. Holding tight to loving friends with generous outpouring and reconnection is a favorite travel opportunity for me. Any arrangement to hold and play with my grandsons, a priority and commitment.

I am happy to be home, with the scent of grand babies fresh in my mind, and empty travel bags, having delivered gifts for first birthday and the family. I am bus weary from the many hours sitting up right and adjusting to the full days of travel. It seems always to be too,short and I miss them when I leave. My arms ache to be back there and my heart is full from the recent love talk.

I enjoyed meeting countless women who collectively travel thousands of miles to see those precious smiles of children who love us unconditionally. I listened to two highly motivating and wonderful books for business and building a successful and happy life. I feel renewed and ready to return to work today.

Unpacking, laundry, and up early as I adjust to my daily routine, I feel happy.

With grammielove,


I make the choice that changes my life …..

It does not matter to me what gets me on the bus, only that I do.

Whatever the fuel, the “why”, the inspiration; once I open my heart to what I truly desire, how I want to feel …. My action will be “right” action.

This weekend I learned this. I started Friday night with an amazing evening with Gabrielle Bernstein and Danielle LaPorte. If you don’t know them, google them. Read their blogs, and listen to their YouTube offerings. Step into what they have to offer with an open mind. They will do the rest. I promise.

They started the evening with a presentation and overview of their philosophy and personal practice to a room of 400 plus women and men at the opening night of a yoga conference in Victoria BC. It was at the convention center, at the Empress Hotel: an iconic and perfect venue for changing lives. I was front row center and early to arrive. I was with a few friends and my life was altered, again.

Faster and with surety I am stepping in to my own. What needs to happen for this to be the Best Year ever?

1. Make every week be memorable and life changing for the first 6 months of the year. Make it cumulative and practice all the new inspirations. Own the changes and be the person I want to be. Do a detailed compilation of all the feelings I desire. And do only the activities that give me those feelings. I keep in mind it does not matter what gets me on the bus, it does not matter what brings me to the feeling buffet: what matters is that I take the actions that come from inspiration that make me feel how I desire to feel.

2. In the second half of the year, start making every day memorable and life changing per the statements above

3. By the end of the year EVERY person I encounter will be affected to be feeling the way they desire to feel.

I will be able to easily answer the question: What does the highest version of my biggest vision look like? And how do I want to be remembered?

Thanks for joining me in travel and in life. If you read this blog and are moved in any way, I invite you to comment and “follow”. This is going to be the BEST year ever and you don’t want to miss an entry!

With love and gratitude for my friends and family who offer such grace and support, I feel invincible. Xoxo


I make the choice that changes my life …..

It does not matter to me what gets me on the bus, only that I do.

Whatever the fuel, the “why”, the inspiration; once I open my heart to what I truly desire, how I want to feel …. My action will be “right” action.

This weekend I learned this. I started Friday night with an amazing evening with Gabrielle Bernstein and Danielle LaPorte. If you don’t know them, google them. Read their blogs, and listen to their YouTube offerings. Step into what they have to offer with an open mind. They will do the rest. I promise.

They started the evening with a presentation and overview of their philosophy and personal practice to a room of 400 plus women and men at the opening night of a yoga conference in Victoria BC. It was at the convention center, at the Empress Hotel: an iconic and perfect venue for changing lives. I was front row center and early to arrive. I was with a few friends and my life was altered, again.

Faster and with surety I am stepping in to my own. What needs to happen for this to be the Best Year ever?

1. Make every week be memorable and life changing for the first 6 months of the year. Make it cumulative and practice all the new inspirations. Own the changes and be the person I want to be. Do a detailed compilation of all the feelings I desire. And do only the activities that give me those feelings. I keep in mind it does not matter what gets me on the bus, it does not matter what brings me to the feeling buffet: what matters is that I take the actions that come from inspiration that make me feel how I desire to feel.

2. In the second half of the year, start making every day memorable and life changing per the statements above

3. By the end of the year EVERY person I encounter will be affected to be feeling the way they desire to feel.

I will be able to easily answer the question: What does the highest version of my biggest vision look like? And how do I want to be remembered?

Thanks for joining me in travel and in life. If you read this blog and are moved in any way, I invite you to comment and “follow”. This is going to be the BEST year ever and you don’t want to miss an entry!

With love and gratitude for my friends and family who offer such grace and support, I feel invincible. Xoxo


Yesterday I Learned ……

Yesterday I learned ….

I spent a few months working 7 days a week sandwiched between two awesome vacations. What did I learn? What did I do with my next day off? What did I learn from that? How will my life be different from this day forward?

I have a big dream. I want to travel the world with my family, friends and future friends. I want to write about it. I want to inspire other women to live the same life, if they want it. That is it. When I think of this passion of mine, I get energized.

I almost salivate: my heart races; my mind takes off in different directions focused on the details of my life from all my senses, as if I am living that dream right now in this moment. I am traveling and exploring and writing and sharing with women around the world. This life is not only my dream, it is my reality. I am living my dream. I am there right now, in this moment.

In order to afford this life, I work a full time job (doing a job I love) and I have two home based businesses. One of the businesses is as a travel consultant. I assist people to live their travel dreams.

In my spare time, and I have lots of it …. (just like every one else), I prioritize my time. I listen to inspirational speeches, I read business tips from experts and I attend motivational speakers when I can. I practice creativity. I put myself in the path of learning all the techniques and “secrets” of how to live my dream.

There are people who are very skilled in some areas that I want to learn. There are some very successful business minds who have learned from experts and are happy to share this information. I am a willing and happy motivated recipient. I don’t just want to know how to do it, I want to know what to stop doing.

Of course everyone has the same number of hours in a day to accomplish the tasks that come with living. Not everyone gets the same results. Each person gets to explore and discover their own unique passion, and set a plan. What I have come to understand is that I love to do the tasks that I am good at and that energize me.

My job is to stick to my passion, my strengths, my genius, my play and give up doing those things that zap my energy and take from my life’s dream.

Love Pam

One Week Ago

One week ago

I have been back for less than a week from one of the most significant trips so far in my life. This week I was at work catching up, I am a youth probation officer in a custody center in British Columbia, Canada and have been in that profession for more than 26 years.

For fun and enrichment of my life I travel. I am a home based consultant with Expedia CruiseShipCenters and I feel it is my work to travel on my vacations to experience the world and what it has to offer. In order to explain and recommend to my friends, family and loyal customers, I want to really have some first hand expertise that I can share. Taking a vacation every 6 weeks is just good business and good self care!

One of the great finds, a small luxurious cruise line, with the worlds most famous ocean liner, Cunard. I sailed with Cunard in the fall in Europe, checking out ports of Greece, Turkey and Italy to name a few. I loved it. I decided to book the iconic transatlantic crossing on board the Queen Mary 2 in January 2013. Wow! It is a “must do” for a bucket list. In fact so much of what I experienced on this trip is bucket list material.

We flew to New York, overnighted and enjoyed a quick introduction to Times Square in Manhattan. This is a sight I will never forget. Lights and excitement of the city that never sleeps, only days after the ball dropped signaling the new year, with one and a half million people gathered in person to watch!

We embarked on the most beautiful ocean liner and sailed past the Statue of Liberty and the skyline of New York as we sailed to the port city of Southampton, England. On route I enjoyed daily watercolor painting classes, ballroom dance lessons and enrichment lectures as well as made friends with some amazing people on the journey.

Stonehenge has long been on my list to see. We arrived in England with a sightseeing excursion arranged for this magnificent experience. We ventured in to Salisbury, saw and toured the cathedral and saw the original Magna Carte. Wow!

We cruised back to New York on Cunard’s Queen Victoria. We spent two sunny glorious days in this fabulous city. We saw Broadway shows each night, we ate in wonderful restaurants, stayed in a great affordable hotel in Times Square, visited and reconnected with friends, shopped in the famous Macy’s, toured Central Park, Harlem and the garment district, just to name a few highlights. I love New York and look forward to revisiting one day.

I recommend a trip like this to completely get away from daily routine. Seeing the world is always a great idea and cruising is the most amazing vacation I know.

Stay tuned for my next adventure!

Love Pam