rio revisited

The sunshine in Rio

We arrived and boarded the ship, found our travel mates and then the lido buffet.  A bit overcast but hot and muggy, like walking through lukewarm soup as we toured around the decks.  
Our first night on board this amazing Regatta ship was lovely.  A few of the gals were off on tour, one went off on her own, and many of us enjoyed a bevy in Martinis lounge and then fine dining in the main dining room.  
The rain poured intermittently and there were flashes of lightening seen through the dining room windows.  Scallops, tiger prawns, salad and of course several desserts! 
After, a further walkabout exploring the lounges, as quiet as a ghost town.  Jet lag has set in around the ship.  Out side a we could get a glimpse of the shiny icon glowing in the dark, high atop Corcovado Mountain, Christ the Redeemer statue.  And for us as well, an early night after just one more look at the buffet for a treat before bed.
Plans for more on the sea days to come.  
Beautiful morning, relaxing and no pressure to leave the ship for those of us without tours.  Leisure breakfast outside on the Terrace Cafe.  With a daytime view of the far away icon, Christ the Redeemer statue.
A brief walk outside looking for a convenience store for wine purchase.  No luck, no foul.  Now on search for Internet cafe in the port pier.  Bright colours of fabric greet the eyes, scarves, sarongs and more on sale by local and approved reputable venders.  So tempting.
Outside the ship and beyond the pier is the huge and important port city of Rio de Janeiro.  Bound by the sea and stunning miles of sandy beach, and the dense green rainforest jungle and mountainous terrain on the other border.  Famous for the icon mentioned above, Copacabana and Ipanema beaches and views from high atop Sugarloaf, accessed by a high tram.  Botanical gardens and other sights are beaconing the many tourists who have travelled far to join the amazing Amazon River cruise.  This is day two and I am happy to just be here on this ship.
I have travelled and toured two days in Rio four and a half years ago.  I don’t feel the need to travel today outside the pier and ship views.  The rest of the 14 gals of the club are taking full advantage of the sights and sounds of Rio.
Tchau for now.

rio revisited

The sunshine in Rio

We arrived and boarded the ship, found our travel mates and then the lido buffet.  A bit overcast but hot and muggy, like walking through lukewarm soup as we toured around the decks.  
Our first night on board this amazing Regatta ship was lovely.  A few of the gals were off on tour, one went off on her own, and many of us enjoyed a bevy in Martinis lounge and then fine dining in the main dining room.  
The rain poured intermittently and there were flashes of lightening seen through the dining room windows.  Scallops, tiger prawns, salad and of course several desserts! 
After, a further walkabout exploring the lounges, as quiet as a ghost town.  Jet lag has set in around the ship.  Out side a we could get a glimpse of the shiny icon glowing in the dark, high atop Corcovado Mountain, Christ the Redeemer statue.  And for us as well, an early night after just one more look at the buffet for a treat before bed.
Plans for more on the sea days to come.  
Beautiful morning, relaxing and no pressure to leave the ship for those of us without tours.  Leisure breakfast outside on the Terrace Cafe.  With a daytime view of the far away icon, Christ the Redeemer statue.
A brief walk outside looking for a convenience store for wine purchase.  No luck, no foul.  Now on search for Internet cafe in the port pier.  Bright colours of fabric greet the eyes, scarves, sarongs and more on sale by local and approved reputable venders.  So tempting.
Outside the ship and beyond the pier is the huge and important port city of Rio de Janeiro.  Bound by the sea and stunning miles of sandy beach, and the dense green rainforest jungle and mountainous terrain on the other border.  Famous for the icon mentioned above, Copacabana and Ipanema beaches and views from high atop Sugarloaf, accessed by a high tram.  Botanical gardens and other sights are beaconing the many tourists who have travelled far to join the amazing Amazon River cruise.  This is day two and I am happy to just be here on this ship.
I have travelled and toured two days in Rio four and a half years ago.  I don’t feel the need to travel today outside the pier and ship views.  The rest of the 14 gals of the club are taking full advantage of the sights and sounds of Rio.
Tchau for now.

I was not a writer

I was not a writer.  

I grew up around people who read.  I did not.  As far as I know there were no writers in my family or among my close friends.

I feel compelled now to change all that.  
I now read.  I listen to Audible books.  And I write.  
It assists me to pay attention to my own life experience.  
I found a subject to write about: my life, when I started to pay attention; my gender; the worlds reaction to my gender; and my experience of this all.  
I found my world, my voice and my experience.  
Today I seek and find the words that come to my assistance as I tell my unique and authentic story of the world in which I find myself living.   
I am floating on a river  of the pivotal conversation I enjoyed yesterday, while I was staying at the Fairmont Vancouver Airport Hotel, a heart connection with a lifetime mentor, Anita.  
I am reminded of the days I found my story.  And then I grab to the raft and  redraw the  meanderings of how those early days lead me to the place I find myself now.
Along the way I find peace and excitement in equal composition.  The days to come will invite the writer in me to scribe the past and dreams of my future.  
Come along with me, this is a fun ride!  Woman on the move.  Heading to familiar and exotic, and unknown territories of geography, philosophy and wallowing in personal bliss.
I can hardly wait to turn the page!

I was not a writer

I was not a writer.  

I grew up around people who read.  I did not.  As far as I know there were no writers in my family or among my close friends.

I feel compelled now to change all that.  
I now read.  I listen to Audible books.  And I write.  
It assists me to pay attention to my own life experience.  
I found a subject to write about: my life, when I started to pay attention; my gender; the worlds reaction to my gender; and my experience of this all.  
I found my world, my voice and my experience.  
Today I seek and find the words that come to my assistance as I tell my unique and authentic story of the world in which I find myself living.   
I am floating on a river  of the pivotal conversation I enjoyed yesterday, while I was staying at the Fairmont Vancouver Airport Hotel, a heart connection with a lifetime mentor, Anita.  
I am reminded of the days I found my story.  And then I grab to the raft and  redraw the  meanderings of how those early days lead me to the place I find myself now.
Along the way I find peace and excitement in equal composition.  The days to come will invite the writer in me to scribe the past and dreams of my future.  
Come along with me, this is a fun ride!  Woman on the move.  Heading to familiar and exotic, and unknown territories of geography, philosophy and wallowing in personal bliss.
I can hardly wait to turn the page!

Delta flight to Atlanta

I managed one exit row seat on this next leg of flight on route to Rio.  I am seated now and the plane, full to capacity, continues to load.  

Met up in the lounge area with the following gals on our trip, Penny, Laine, Helen, Sylvia, Cindy, Janie and Mishka, Vivien and Margrit… Gerry and Gail had an earlier flight.  We will all meet in Atlanta for the last leg.  And then we will join up its Aurelie and Adrienne who are flying to Rio from Miami airport.  And with me, total 14 all accounted for.
On Facebook connecting with a few of the gals who wanted to come but for a variety of reasons were unable to make this trip.  Too bad … There will be other trips to join!
We also met a few other couples who are destined for our same cruise, Oceania Regatta 21 nights from Rio to Miami with a week on the fabulous Amazon River.  Wow!
My flight pillow is now inflated, my iPhone plugged in and charging, I have some pistachio nuts for the flight.  Hoping for gluten free vegetarian selection for a meal … We shall see.
Closing the overhead bins means we are preparing to depart.  Must get ready for my instructions in the exit row.
Sunshine brilliantly the entire trip so far, looking forward to the same for the entire three weeks.  
Tchau for now, as they say in Brazil, similar to Italy!  Only the spelling is different, the meaning remains the same.
“One does not mess with the  sun along the equator” and 
“One can never be too careful on the Amazon.” By Joe Jackson, author of The Thief at the End of the World

Vancouver to Seattle, just the beginning!

The journey to Rio.

First leg in Vancouver was lovely.  Fairmont Airport Hotel in Vancouver is wonderful and luxurious.
Crazy busy getting though check in and then security and many queues. In fact we were the last three to board I think.  Janie, Mishka and myself.  No breakfast and running the last part of the trip up and down escalators as the sound overhead explained that final boarding for our flight, all passengers should be on board.  

In front of me is the exit row with empty seat.  I asked to be moved, Delta says no.  Well that is strange.  However. I am going to be happy with just getting on board …. Oh here comes a few more last minute arrivals.  Thirty minute flight to Seattle.  Lol.  Two hours plus trying to get through the gates.
Our bags are supposed to go through to Rio.  Saying hooponopono prayer for luggage safe arrival.  
My phone and email out of office are on.  My work is done for now as I transit to Brazil.  
A vacation is needed after a busy first part of the year.  My stats show over one thousand percent increase in sales over last year ….  So three weeks away from the business  should be ok.  I will continue to be checking email.
Travelling with 14 wonderful women from the Women’s Travel Club.  
For now, saying Tchau…. And good bye.

On route to Amazon 

The Amazon, the anticipation.  On my way, women living our dreams!

I am on the road, on the move.  The gals and I travelling from different locations and arriving in Rio sometime early tomorrow morning.  I am in Vancouver staying at the Fairmont Hotel last night and off for my Delta flight this morning to begin the flight leg of the journey to the Amazon.  
What is it about the Amazon for women?  The diversity of wildlife, unique, exotic … No where else in the world.  The myths and the legends. 

Immense.  Mythical.  Exotic.  Dense rain forest.  Wildlife.  Mysterious.  Wide, deep, long.  Massive.  Unrelenting. Awesome. Wonder.  Jungle. Folklore.  
Over 6200 km long.  Contains a fifth of the world’s fresh water.  Widest spot is 40 km in width.  Dumping 300 million litres of fresh water into the ocean every second.  Crosses 7 countries.
150 million years ago this mighty river flowed from east to west, now it flows from west to east.  (The proof that change is inevitable!).  
Taken from Great a Journeys: by Lonely a Planet.
What to expect?  White sand beaches at Alter do Chao.  Mind blowing sights.  
Off I go, a flight in my day to get me back to Rio.  Last time I was here in December 2010.  
Tchau to all, pronounced ciao, as in Italy !
Hugs to all, 

Looking to Relax in Rio!

Welcome back … Or was it me who was away?  Ha ha.

It has been a while since my last entry and busy-ness has been the reason.  This first year of retirement from government has been taken over with thoughts and deeds related to travel.  
Also I spent two glorious weeks being Grammie to my wonderful grandboys, and I have spent time with my mom in Nova Scotia and in BC.
Also busy making plans to travel with the Women’s Travel Club.  Check us out … Look at the past and future Meetups as well as the discussion board for more information on what we have been up to.  
Off to Rio in a few days with fourteen women from the club, and in preparation I have been making packing lists in my head.  What to wear to the equator for a leisurely cruise down the mighty Amazon River?  
Please stay tuned for an incredible journey.  Several of the gals are photographing the travels so I am hopeful to post some amazing photos, and great stories of laughter and friendships.  
Ciao for now and see you under the sun and on the seas.  
Love P

Repost from 2012 …… Random thoughts …. Top Ten Tips for Living

Top Ten TIPS for living the Life of your DREAMS

by PamelaTravelBlog

 (this is what I tell myself to do:    )

  1. VISION: Dream big, set goals and take steps every day in the direction of your dreams.  Plan your success and when off course, re-focus and get back on track.  Make your dreams visual and exciting.  See, feel, hear, taste and touch your dreams, as if you are already living that life.  Strong emotion is included in your vision in order for it to be powerful.  Look at where you are going every day.  Don’t quit.
  2. CONSCIOUSNESS: meditation, listen to inspiration, gratitude practice, journal, blog, read.  Be present to your life.  Eat and do routine tasks in a mindful way.  Notice your world.
  3. GROWTH:  Be inspired, hang out with people who are doing what you admire, read books, attend seminars and workshops, invest in personal development, try something new.
  4. MAKE DECISIONS:  I read this recently, if it is not “HELL YES!” then it is “NO”:  Make decisions and stick with it.  Don’t quit.  Don’t worry about what other people think.
  5. BE HEALTHY:  Commit to consuming healthy products and foods, drink more water, take supplements that work (ask me if you are curious about recommendations).  Eat veggies, lots of them and lean proteins.  Check out what is current in science.  Stay away from sugars, starches and unhealthy fats as much as possible.  Exercise daily, including walking, take the stairs.  Eat less food, drink more water (it is worth repeating!).
  6. ATTITUDE:  Practice happiness, gratitude, kindness, smiling, generosity, forgiveness and self love every day, everywhere and with everyone!  Explore and find your inner gifts and let go of old negative messages you carry around.  Develop a spiritual practice and feel as one with all humanity.  Develop a strong positive self image and see how the world changes in your eyes.
  7. FAMILY and FRIENDS:  If you had 30 days to live, who would you spend it with?  Make them a priority.  Honor and show up for special events.  Be the one who brings people together.  Enjoy.
  8. TRAVEL:  See the world.  Walk where people have changed the world before you.  Learn about other cultures, without judgment.  See the beauty of other people and places.  Learn other languages.  Be a global citizen.  Join me with “WomenHoldingHandsAroundTheWorld”.  Check out my website:
  9. SPIRITUAL PRACTICE:  Believe and have faith. Thoughts become things.  Meditation and Mindfulness practice works.
  10. TIME:  No one has more time than you do, every day.  How do you spend it?  Select wise time management strategies to get it all done.  Get up earlier in the morning and spend time on personal development.  I read it takes 10,000 hours to develop a skill, truly.    What are you investing your time doing? Practice positivity and kindness every day …. just one degree of change every day …. imagine after a year!                      “If you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you have always got.”

Quote for today

“As women we have a natural need for community. When we gather together and support one another we have the opportunity to transform our world. Start with yourself—uplift those around you—gather and love.
Create what you crave.”
Carrie-Anne Moss