I Remember My Name and what I do. Thank you.

What is your name and where are you from? What is your story?

I had more ah-has about how my work has changed the world. One person at a time. I am easy world. I love me. I get how significant is one courageous person who expresses ideas a little off from mainstream; enough to gain attention and respect of those who are searching for a listening ear. Changing the world is not about doing, as much as being!

It’s truly a wonderful life. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the people that have taught me, the experiences that lead me to this day, and the buffet of opportunities in every moment to be a better person. Joy is ……. My life.

Peace be with you my friend. May you enjoy true peace within each and every moment of each day of your life. True peace is a blessing that we already have and can be in the river with always. Is peace already in your pocket? Take a look and find it in your being.

Great workshop. I am leaning into love. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Xo. Workshop lead by indigenous elders speaking from the collective heart of generations. Oh how powerful and appreciated. Everyone sits in “being” with each other, in respect and awe of the beauty and mystery and deep knowing; willing to be vulnerable and touched by the topic of violence within intimate relationships. Words spoken, hiding nothing.

I am world class at what I do and I was forgetting it. I saw it again today when I stepped in to the workshop. I was welcomed and loved and witnessed and honoured. Just like I asked to be.

I feel so blessed to have lived the life of my dreams. I can let go of struggle, as long as I also honour and celebrate my success. And then set my sail to catch the next wind. The future is just a dream. Today is the dream I had yesterday that truly and certainly arrived!

I forget as much as I learn. It is inside me. I am so honoured to be me. To respect my gifts and to speak from my heart.

I really needed this day to get grounded. I picked up a ceremonial drum and called forth my ancestors. Powerful. I spoke about my name and what it means to me. I was welcomed into the circle.

I have been so blessed to offer witness and encouragement with the people I have met in this career. My job is probation and family court work, transition house worker, victim assistance coordinator and executive director of a social service agency. I have been a consultant, mediator, researcher and officer of the Court. Mostly I have been the recipient of such great learning: that all people do the best they can with what they have. I can be a mirror to their story and reflect another point of view. I can and do witness transformation from the most shameful moment, often, in a persons life, to the rise of self esteem that takes such courage, it brings me to tears every special day of my life.

I honour my life. I honour the mentors along my journey. I honour forgiveness and gratitude.

Thank you, thank you for this powerful and precious day. Onward, tomorrow will even bring more love!

Thanks for joining my journey of hope, love and awe.


2 comments on “I Remember My Name and what I do. Thank you.

  1. reneeinoz says:

    Wow that’s powerful! Xx

    Sent from my iPad


  2. What a wonderful, fabulous day you experienced. Thank you for sharing it with us your readers. It is most important for us to recognize who we are. Well done my friend. Well done.

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