Travel Diary 8 – trip to Paris

Entry 8, Guten Tag, Il fait pleu (is that correct french for “it is raining”?) I don’t know the German words for that anymore … but it is RAINING here in Germany!!


The weather so far has been terrific travel weather, not too hot, sunny with some cloudy breaks. Today the heavens have opened up and the rain is coming down in sheets. I had a great sleep again, to bed early and up and showered and it is not yet 8 am. The tour company is coming to pick us up at 10:30 am and we have to get some breakfast before that.


Yes, there are now two of us traveling. My solitary travels for this adventure are over it seems. Except of course in my mind and thoughts – which continue to strive to be present and unto myself. Old habits of talking lots and speaking before I think have come back to me in a flash …. and I hope to try to practice my new habits of right speech and consciousness as much as possible.


Yesterday I waited for Elwyn and she arrived on the train, subway variety. It was easy for her and cheap way to travel! She freshened up and out we went for a nice long walk into the city. This time through the old city and kept going …. many open courtyard places, market squares, rivers and bridges. It was picturesque and begged of photographs! Weeping willow trees hanging over the river, folks on small boats like in Venice, romantic, with a man steering the propelling the boat under the bridge. Like what we have in Victoria with a horse and buggy – but this was “venetian”. The architecture is old and detailed … quite beautiful and very different than what we have at home. Old stone buildings, with balcony type ornamental details sticking out part way up the building. Tiny windows with curtains indicating someone lives there. Cobblestone streets.


Restaurants with outdoor seating, umbrellas and plentiful space out in to the courtyard areas – look like they would have good food and I had yet to have a meal here … instead nibbling on food that I know I can eat as I walked around the city. The food of this place seems to be pizza, bread, pasta, bread and bread. We searched and found a beer garden with outdoor barbeque type bratwurst event …. not sure exactly what the celebration was?? maybe just because it is Sunday! I was hungry and wanting something typically German to eat …. the “experience” was calling me. They played old rock music (English speaking) so we could dance a little while finding the right line up for the bratwurst and sauerkraut!! yummmmm. But very very salty …. then we were on the search for water and something ….. that special something to cut the salty taste. Lots of Gelato places, one we stopped at had “Diabeticker Ananas”, sugar free pineapple. It was perfect … he charged 80 cents to have a small scoop in a dish. Perfect!!! It tasted liked whipped pineapple with a touch of creaminess. Oh so perfect amount of sweetness and refreshing!


Found yet another Starbucks and the largest one I have ever seen anywhere … must have been most of a block in size. Huge seating area, open. We chose not … waiting instead for one closer to home (which turned out to be closed, so we never got a cup of tea after all).


We ventured into the train station and there were a few stores open in there – food type (selling bread and pizza) and a drug store … I got a comb and bandaids in case I need them for my feet. I have a little area of rub so I want to catch that before it grows.


I laid out all my clothes for a sunny day today …. white pants, gold accessories, hat, matching sunglasses, crystal jewelery (thanks Mom!). And in bed by 8 pm last night for another full 12 hours of rest. Well, almost. I woke up a few times but slept soundly in between. The beds are so comfy, the duvet is warm and snuggly, the pillows are very high quality. The room has been exceptional and beautiful. I have been thrilled with this room, the upgrade to a suite, the quality and cleanliness, the comfort and luxury. A treat for sure!


Due to the rain, I better go change my plans for clothes to wear today. Bringing out the raincoat and put away the white pants ………. Time to get ready for the next leg of this journey.


Thanks for joining me, for being my special handpicked audience to read my journal entries.


Thanks for the love I feel from you – today and always.


Yours in travel,


Pam / Mom


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