Travel diary 11 – trip to Paris

The eleventh chapter … new verse.


Yesterday Bamberg and river cruising. Today bus ride to “romantic road” to Rothenburg (oh yes, the “burg” is about being a city named after a person — like a prince-bishop etc. A village around a castle. Honoring the emporer). Instead of having the whole city destroyed by war, Rothenburg is a city almost all mid-evil. Sine 1460 some of the buildings have stood! We learned more about the construction of houses – about prison system (more pictures) and this tall walled city. We walked and toured, took pictures and did a wee bit of shopping – only an hour was provided. We bussed back – one person missing from the bus ride … we are all worried about her and where she is. Hopefully she will be here by sailing time at 7 pm.


The scenery is lovely, wineries and vineyards as far as the eye can see. Big castles of the prince-bishops of old. What a site. Small towns, little roads and then a quick drive back on the autobahn.


In Bamberg, the people would try to make their houses look like they did before the war. Many wood frame houses and then depending on the how they made the front look, how long before they had to pay taxes. A better front, don’t have to pay taxes for 10 years instead of 5. Taxes to the government of the area.


Then this afternoon a walk around Wurzberg, kind of a newish town … 95 % had to rebuilt after the war. Quite commercial and although some very endearing parts including bridges and big market areas, the shopping was not good.


Got to get ready for dinner….


bye for now

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