Zanzibar, Tanzania

My South Africa adventure has come to an end ….

Arriving last night at the airport, around 730 pm local time.  My flight was from Johannesburg through Nairobi.  I had planned for me to meetup with 4 women from Victoria area as they were scheduled to fly in around 815 pm.  Also I had arranged a pick up transfer from airport for all five of us.

It is a small airport, only 4 carousels for luggage arrival.  However, many lineups for processing customs, passports and evisas …. All of the lineups take time.  I was through quickly, the other gals later.  

Once we were all processed, we were taken to our hotel, the Horizon Palace.  A two star hotel in StoneTown….. which is the older part of Zanzibar, Tanzania.  Simple, old, 6 flights of solid wooden steps, high ceilings, big doorways, tile and stone, old dark wood, stained glass windows … reminding me of India.  

We got settled in our rooms and quickly prepared for sleep, each bed with bed frames and netting tied back.  Up in the morning, not too early, for breakfast at the rooftop cafe with lovely view of the Indian Ocean and some old town roof tops and steeples.  

After breakfast,we gathered our stuff for a walk. Off to find a currency exchange, some water and explore the beach reaching out to the turquoise water, and boardwalk area along the sea.  We stopped for a beverage at Sunset Bar in Africa House Hotel. We continued along the walk through some local park area and market stalls.  

The manager at our hotel volunteered to arrange a ride for us to find a liquor and grocery store for water and wine.  We enjoyed a simple supper at the restaurant on the roof of our hotel and another early night.  The staff here are friendly and kind to us.  

Tomorrow heading to Prison Island …. Home of giant tortoises and I am hoping for a swim …. The next day a snorkelling adventure …. Stay tuned!  

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