D-R-E-A-M Vacations

D-r-e-a-m Vacations Come to Life by: Pamela MacDonald
‘D’estination – What place, moment in history, monument, natural wonder, place of worship, shopping area, culinary delight or vineyard, pivotal spot for your family history, event you have read about … WHERE do you want to go?
‘R’eality? – For a moment, close your eyes and imagine being there. Money and time are no obstacles and you are in that magical place. Can you see it? Can you feel it? Do you want it? Rate your commitment to this dream from 1 to 10 (out of 10). When your dream is strong, and you put it out there, you will be amazed at how fast it comes true.
‘E’xcitement – This is the fun part. Once you commit to the idea, you begin the journey. Packing, shopping, researching, exploring the area, looking at a globe, studying a map, investigate the food, learn the language. Create a vision board with pictures and words, magazine clippings and book titles. Start a blog. The memories of your journey will last a life time.
‘A’ll together now – Share your journey with someone or go it alone? Invite a special person, your partner, your friends, have a family reunion. Join a Meetup group? Traveling with someone can add richness to your vacation. Consult with the experts, they can provide travel tips that will add value to your journey. Don’t forget to protect your travel investment and yourself, with RBC Insurance!
‘M’ake it happen – Stay positive, maintain focus and take the necessary steps toward a positive experience. Gratitude and an upbeat attitude will help you stay flexible and present to the fabulous gift of the World.
Pamela MacDonald is a Travel Writer and Travel Consultant with Expedia CruiseShipCenters. You can reach her at pmacdonald@cruiseshipcenters.com or view her website at http://www.pmacdonaldtravel.com and http://www.PamelaMacDonald.expediacruiseshipcenters.ca . Join her on Facebook and Twitter and Linked-in. Read more at her blog: http://www.pamelatravelblog.wordpress.com

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