Lyon France, Day 1, 16 April 2024

What must it be like to live as a single woman in France?  I wonder if she’s typical, the woman who lives here and rents her apartment (partly) to a student. (I have not met her yet,just staying in her private home).  Money enough to help pay expenses she is also a school teacher. Getting around town by bus or metro. Walking through the community for fresh produce, banking and other necessities. She places artificial flowers in the bathroom and kitchen, even on the edge of the tub. Short on cupboard space, wine glasses and plates on wooden shelves, a gas stove, a small fridge. Not unlike my own kitchen in some ways. Things packed in little nooks and crannies and in plain view. 

The walk in to old town “vieux Lyon” begins along the one of two rivers. Beautiful. Less busy and less intense energy than Paris. Charming is a word that arises. Colourful, old arch stone walkways, big wooden doors with knockers and knobs. Italian style galleries and courtyards. Long high narrow staircases inside buildings and outside, between old structures …. up to the higher level a basilica or cathedral overlooks the land.  Snapping pictures is a delight.

Place Bellecoeur. A large open town square. It looks like it could be used for concerts and events. Shops of silk, wines and art works. Cafes and restaurants. Churches. Cobblestone streets. Mosaics. Murals painted (fresco) on buildings. Ruins of old amphitheatre. I am enjoying meeting this city in France. It’s history, as old as Paris. Its life has been as siblings grow, different than Paris and on its own journey, with its unique history and purpose. The seeds planted 2000 years ago have grown their own flowers, wisteria, pale purple blossoms in trees, large cathedrals and basilica, huge town center, shops displaying silks, flowers, fruits and veggies, sweets and savory delights of a regional fare. Italian flavour of influence, no doubt, but uniquely France. More to explore. More to come. Time to rest a bit and enjoy the wonderful salad, clear water, fresh veggies, local cheeses. We may cook our own dinner this evening. Relaxing and staying present.

My phone is still in greyscale mode. Year 5 without colour. It can be hard to see what I am taking pictures of using cell phone camera however when I get to wifi I use my iPad for narrowing down the ones to keep. Posting a few on Facebook and a few here on the blog.

I am listening to podcasts that have been trying to get my attention. Pema Chodron was live a few days ago and I just received the recording for my listening pleasure ( I have signed up for a Year with Pema and enjoy the weekly reminders to stay with the practice).

Noticing and reminders this trip is not as much about doing as being. I love the noticing, the gratitude, the foreign exotic nature of this travel destination and I love that I am comfortable being present to what arises.

thanks for reading and following along …. More to come.

One comment on “Lyon France, Day 1, 16 April 2024

  1. Vivien Evans says:

    Loving your blog, how you write, pics are fab too.

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