The train: Geneva to Dijon 22 June 2017

Geneva to Dijon
We navigated the railway station out of Geneva airport by taxi. No line ups. Luggage arrived promptly. At the rail station we queued up to purchase rail tickets to Dijon via Lausanne. After a bit of discussion we decided against first class seats and caught the next tram out of platform 6. 
I notice that perhaps we could have taken the train direct out of the airport. Next time we can take the train direct Dijon to Geneva airport! I spied the ticket laying open on the table of the fellow sitting next to me. No wifi, but trains are clean.  
We were on first class by accident and were asked to move by the attendant checking for valid tickets. Now, second class, facing forward and zipping along, first stop Nyon.  
Blue sky, sunshine, plenty of greenery, red terra cotta roofs. Scenic and beautiful is this countryside out the window of the train. Little villages dotting the countryside. Wooden shutters parallel to the windows. Rows of vineyard and huge estates, the architecture is unique and lovely. Window boxes and metal balcony railings.  
I remember the well dressed people of Europe. Not at all like Canadian or North American tourists, which you can usually pick out in the crowd. Matching shoes and handbags, conservative and well put together, often colourful accents. One woman has a small Yorkie puppy in a leather handbag, sleeping with its little pink tongue out. Cute. Tres chic!  
As I sit in silence I listen to the various accents and quick speaking locals, like a voyeur. And then speaking with a well dressed young man from San Francisco that works in the watch industry. He gets off in Morges. Next stop Lausanne. We will change trains then.  

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