Relaxation day

A day of recovery in Maratea at the resort.

Buona sera. Today was a relaxing day. I went to the pool and swam. It is outdoor and unheated. Ok, let’s be frank, it was cold! Ha ha. I swam in it twice, I figure it was like putting ice on my toe. Lol. I swam around and enjoyed the cooling refreshing swim followed by the heat of the sun. The clear blue sky is amazing and today gave me a bit of a sun color on my face. I enjoyed a relaxing day overall.

Deb and I had lunch in the cafeteria as the stores are closed in the afternoon and we heard that stores in town closed on Sundays. So tomorrow is open and markets will be open.

Nice afternoon overall …. Then a nap. Ha ha, four out of five of us napped this afternoon. Then up and dressed, ready for dining in the dining room again, to listen to our favorite Italian singers! For a few hours we listened. We enjoyed a lovely wine and frizzy water … One of the songs from last night …. Imagine if you will in Italian, by the most beautiful woman’s voice accompanied by her piano keyboard. Oh my!

Tonight they played beautiful as well and another couple got up and danced by their dining table. The restaurant was full. People enjoyed the evening.

Off to sleep now. Shopping in markets and small villages tomorrow perhaps .. Making our own lunch and dinner and then to go to listen to the Italian couple again each evening. A definite cultural outing.

Ciao tutti.

Big love and wish you were here.
Ti amo


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