We are who we are, or are we becoming who we are?

Throughout my many years as a Probation Officer, within and out of the custody Center and community offices I learned a few lessons. One loud and clear comes to me now.

We are probably living our life and experiencing what happens to us, in direct reflection of the five people we hang around with most. The thoughts that happen all day long in our heads are reflected in our daily outcome.

What are your five main thoughts or themes? Who are your heroes and buddies throughout your day? How do you spend your time? What is it that matters to you and what do you do about it?

I think about this a lot, for my own life. And never more than now, as we near the end of 2014 and in preparation for the 2015 year.

My last year has been full of changes, retirement, selling condo, downsizing, moving twice, and travel, lots of travel! I anticipate that the changes will keep coming. None of them were predicted at this time last year! Wow!

I hang out with some brilliant people and am always hoping and reaching to meet more, to hear their story and hopefully travel with them. I challenge myself to have positive thoughts. I meditate some, and have plans to further increase my fitness level. I read books and listen to audible. I am part of a business and personal mastermind group that changes my life every week, perhaps every day.

Subtle and radical changes are witnessed and reflected in my journal and my day to day activities. I strive to be a little bit kinder every day, and I invite an Epic lifestyle to be mine.

I believe I carefully select what thoughts I have throughout the day and I am thrilled to have met new travel companions this past year, who are now very good friends to me.

As we wind up 2014 it is with hope that I invite you to share your reflections on the past twelve months, and also your goals and or wishes for the year to come. Where do you want to go? What do you want to experience? Who do you want to be? How do you contribute to world peace by your thoughts and actions? How do you want to show up in your own life?

Stay with me for 2015 as I share with you my thoughts, dreams and actions in the creation of a life of positivity, love, and world exploration.

Ciao to you all … Oh yes, I learned a bit of a Italian this year too! And I drove in Italy for a week on those roads! And I saw places that enriched my life and I spent two weeks with some of the finest women I know …. And …. And. ….

With love, ti amo,


Ps. I really would love to hear from you! Feel free to call, or write or meet me for tea. Add it to your ‘2015 to do list’.

Grazie, Grazie, Grazie.

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