A Morning Post.  Gratitude and Mindfulness

Good morning 15 November 2016. My keyboard is set up and my fingers itching to tell a story.  
Early morning rituals include gratitude thoughts, my morning beverage and some time alone. Not always easy, or achievable but always an intention. And also a bit of dreaming.
Dreaming, I have learned, in adulthood, is good for my soul. I dream of locations, destinations, travel, and mindfulness. Truly.
Sometimes I forget how important it is to others that I do what I do. Last night I received a call from one of the wonderful women on my last travel adventure to Europe. She has been trying to find a mutually agreeable time to chat with me. I thought maybe to ask questions or talk about the next trip, or even to have feedback of the last one.
She called to express in some detail how it was for her to be part of the amazing trip that it was. Early October, 42 traveling people went on a fantastic luxury cruise for two weeks in the Mediterranean. There were stops daily in exotic ports of call. Some of the highlights for her were the same as for me. She wanted me to know how it was for her. I am and was reminded again and again how special travel experiences are for others, not just me.  
Sometimes my own thoughts are not accurate. Mindfulness reminder to breathe, stay with a feeling and try not to give it a story – good or bad. The more I practice, the more reminders I get and the more I breathe in and out during the day in mindfulness, the more in touch with this energy I become.
Today the story combines gratitude with mindfulness. I am feeling the energy, breathing in happy contentment and breathing out any expectations or fear. Breathe again.  
Time to go for my morning walk – climbing the apartment stairs, 12 stories, twice. I found a dear friend and fellow apartment dwelling gal who is patient and reliable and we do the stairs together each week day. Ta ta for now, my friends.

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