Gelato in Rome

21 Gelato in Rome by Trevi fountain

It says Rome ! We tossed coins in the Trevi fountain, sealing our fate to return again one day. I enjoyed two scoops of authentic Italian gelato, one pineapple ananas and one meringue with pieces of white meringue adding the light crunchy texture. I feel so blessed to be here.

Earlier we took a shared transfer from ship direct to hotel Mozart close to Spanish steps. Barb and Anne will stay at this 4 star hotel in a convenient partof Rome for another three days and have offered to store our luggage in their room for the day. Very lovely, via del corso is a main street and right outside the door.

We find a place to get hop on hop off bus and climb up to the top. Like an oven in the downstairs. Like a blasting hot hair dryer on top but at least a breeze! We see the sights and I snap many pics using my trusty iPad. Great few hours seeing lots and enjoying not walking! 2000 year old Colusseum was awesome as usual and great to hear some of the story on the English recorded version through the bus ear buds.

We got off to walk around piazza nuovonna and although also hot, was a great sight to see. All the artists displaying their wares. Many must have gone home in the heat. Had to be over forty degrees and the black cobblestones reflected even more heat up back at the tourists. So many people wearing hats, in various kinds of outfits from white linens to jeans and scarves. What a great place to watch people.

We found Alfredo’s of Rome restaurant the original. it is the mother ship for the restaurant that we had been to in New York. World famous and had been host to so many famous people in its day. Pictures outside with autographs.

We keep moving. Down roads made of square black stones laid together in patterns. Trying always to walk on the shady side of the street. We stop for gelato. We have favourites after a week of partaking daily in the local fare. I have pineapple and meringue. Others have cherry amerara …. Very tasty. And refreshing and cold. Usually served in air conditioned stops.

As we walk we can feel the cool air from the shops we pass. We step in from time to time to cool off. I love Rome in the heat and walking down the historical roads. Thanks for the third opportunity. After another successful coin toss into Trevi fountain, I am certain I will be back.

Beautiful, wish you were here


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