Intense emotional presence

Great morning. Emotional hangover from intense feeling and sensations from the days events yesterday.  
On the train since about 5 pm yesterday and we will be until about 11 am or noon today when we are scheduled to arrive in Delhi.
As I continue to practice patience, both with myself and my environment and interactions, with observing my process, with intention of positivity and staying present to what is. It has been an intense week in that regard.  

There is haze on the horizon. I watched the sky wake up this morning from my train window .. hazy. Powerful intense feelings arise, tears fall. Again. Again.
I woke up weeping in my sleeper cabin. I feel I must be present with my heart today. Gently I offer loving kindness to myself and then I can share it with the world. Christa arrives to bring me some goodies for the morning. She has been a very warm and loving roommate and tremendously supportive friend throughout the trip. Sometimes she notices my state before I have settled in.


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