Kluge’s Guest House, Uganda

It sounds small … I had no expectations of this place.  As we drove the last leg from Kampala, we travelled several kms on muddy washed out road that seemed like a vey long alley.  Past homes, animals, trees, people with young children waving so hard their whole bodies were waving ha ha.  It seems so friendly and they look delighted to see us.

A few signs along the drive indicate it must be a major place … then we arrive.  Long driveway with a secure gate.  We park, are greeted with a fruit beverage and our rooms have been arranged.  Tents in the campsite are spacious, I can stand easily, two beds in each, a night stand between, large zipper windows and doors, with a tin roof overhead.  A chair each and some woven mats on the floor.  The only inconvenience is the toilet and showers are shared but not too far away.  

The grounds are like walking through a garden …. the restaurant, the permanent buildings, cottages and guest houses are very well kept and painted a coral colour. There is a swimming pool that I look forward to trying out.  

We drop our packs in our room and head out for an hour and half hosted nature walk to see some plants, birds and monkeys that are unique to this area.  We saw it all. And got bit by a few ants …. Plentiful little fellas that apparently climb up your skin and pinch.  The guide pinched them off my skin and no longer term consequences noted …. Keep walking, ha ha, don’t stand still!  

Lots of photos, a beautiful place.  Seems I can receive some emails but no texts or Facebook or messenger and I can’t send anything.  Argh.  I upgraded my iPhone and iwatch but otherwise, I keep writing and hoping for wifi one day again so I can post.  

A meeting with our two CEO guides explaining the rules, outline the itinerary, each person introduces themselves.  Next …..Dinner, was prepared for me especially to be consistent and careful with my food needs.  

A peaceful night listening to sounds of the sky with rain showers and birds or insects or wildlife or all of  these?  all foreign sounds but interesting from my tent.   i decide to take the next day off and rest here.  That decision gives me some peace.  I am missing my home.  missing my comforts and contact with family.  i am ready to be done and heading back to my life and home.  a week to go.

going to have a swim and relax, maybe walk and read ?  I wonder what this day will bring? stay present and notice.

Wifi will only let me email. No Facebook. No messenger. No text. Argh. I will keep trying

Love Pamela in Africa

LATER. It’s tomorrow now and we are ready to leave this garden home. I talked to other guests, I swam for an hour, I wrote and read some regards to my life / work / family plans going forward. 

The owner from Germany bought the land 33 years ago, built all that we see, gardens, trees, buildings . With his wife who is from here. 

It is so welcoming and beautiful in lush greenery, trees and flowers. A nice place for a down day. 

I talked to owner for an hour or two. Also with a young man who has been motorcycling with small tent from the Netherlands for the past 1.5 years. He sold everything he owns. He has a dream to do guiding on motorcycles in Africa. Very interesting young man. 

I talked to a guy about my age traveling for many years with a Land Cruiser with tent on top for sleeping. It looks amazing rig and a free life. He is a grandfather and keeps in touch with Facebook. 

In high levels women are encouraged to participate but in local communities women remain seen as property. We talked about residential school legacy. 

Queen Elizabeth national park. 1968sqkm. 13 villages in and border the park. Lake George in it. Only in Uganda. 25% of country is covered with water. Hippos. Elephant. Buffalo use the lake. Second largest park in Uganda. Some surrounded by electric wire fencing to prevent animals from going on road. 

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