Morning Moon

7 the grand babies are gone already… Morning moon

The laundry complete, bags are packed, babies sleeping. Our adventure to Nova Scotia for the weekend comes to a close.

It is time to focus on myself and the adults in my life. We rose too early to decently tell people and off to the Halifax Airport to send my daughter and her two little precious boys back to their world after a short 5 hour flight to Calgary. There they will be met by their dad and safely driven back to the comforts of home. I miss them already, I hurt. The ache in my arms and heart, the whispers from my soul breath … Painful and bittersweet in the knowing it is over for a while. We shall not pass this way soon again.

Up a wee bit earlier to make warm gluten free multigrain toast smothered in creamy Nova Scotia maple butter,to share with Sheena. One of my true comfort foods from my past, rushing forward to her present and my grandchildren’s future. Packing fruit for the trip. More toast, a fresh new loaf of gluten free cheese bread slices for the boys to eat on the plane.

Sheena hands me a warm sleepy Jack to hold while she puts a few last minute items in her overstuffed suitcase. Warm sleepy baby fills my senses. Freshly wakened, he snuggles in to my shoulder. Soft and heavy he lays in Grammies arms. Head snuggled in my neck. I breathe him in. My heart comes fully alive.

Luke wakes in full chatter. He is still warm from sleep, puts his shoes on as the big boy he has become at three years of age. He is helpful and cooperative. He talks and talks, to all who listen. Everyone buckled in to car seats.

Red sky, loved ones, sacred time. The morning moon takes my breath away. The vibrant colours of the early morning sky reflect off the farm house windows. The full moon almost filling the side window of the van. My breath catches in my throat. I want to take a picture, foiled by the flash of the iPhone camera, reminding me that this is a moment to savour in real time. Stay with the moment in mindfulness.

Speaking of possible annual treks to the Nova Scotia shores fills me with hopes and memories and possibilities of a life lived over from the very best experiences.

For now,the chapter rests and the next one is surely starting.

My heart is full and bursting with so much love.

Grammie P

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