Pushkar, off the grid! India

Off the grid in India. Where?
Outside of Pushkar at a desert resort, the visitors choice! It is an oasis I the rolly desert hills … So much like Kamloops that I feel I am back in time.
In the town of Pushkar it is holy and sacred … Many foods and alcohol not permitted … No garlic, onions, meats, chicken, eggs …. In our resort, we are far enough, a few miles, out of town so we can still enjoy these products. Although for me, I have not had any alcohol since my long Air France flight … The first leg of it. Since then have been in flow of the tour and life here … Purely gluten free, dairy free and meat free :). It is easy to support a vegan lifestyle in India. Here, animals are sacred … Or some are. Ha ha and then we see a McDonalds restaurant to remind us of home. McDonalds do not serve beef in India.  
Milk is always in the Masala Chai, so although many in the group are developing a routine and love for this soothing beverage, I have tried it black buy prefer to not bother.  
This morning I awoke to the sweet sound of roosters crowing … And silence. It is peaceful and calm in this place, off the grid.  
Yesterday we drove here, had a few hours to eat and relax then to the temple of Brahma in the town … And a sacred ceremony for new karma along the bank of the fabulous river. I wept at the beauty and love that I felt in that place. Not expected and so generously given … For all time and for all my ancestors, my children and my grandchildren. I was given a sacred red and yellow bracelet, a passport, if you will, for this amazing place.  
Yellow powder, red powder from vermillion, rice, sugar, purple flower petals, on a silver plate offered to the river after the blessing. And a coconut was part of the ceremony and prayers as well. First in their language, then repeated in English and we chanted along with the priest. The banks of this sacred river was encircled by sacred steps and places of worship and between, places for people to bathe ( we saw men bathing in the river, in places separate from the holy sections). Birds being fed, and the odd cow wandering around. It was a postcard of beautiful India. I am still in awe of the entire experience. A picture with the priest and of the holy site of the ceremony will take me back to that moment. Thank you. Namaste.
Then shopping in the very expansive and pleasant bazar …. All manner of trinkets, shawls, bangles, food, clothes modern and traditional …. The women in our group had a very enjoyable time and I think left some money in support of the community. Smile. 
Then back to the resort for a dining experience at the buffet, and I had a back massage for half hour and a luxurious leg massage and foot reflexology treatment …. And then to my individual cabin shared with Sherry for a quiet and restful sleep.  
Only one night here. Off to Uidapur today. A large city and a lengthy drive today. I want to wander first on the grounds and take more pictures of this oasis on our trip.  
Thanks for joining me. Namaste! To all of you and the singing birds outside my cottage window this beautiful morn.

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