Kazinga river boat cruise

Channel joins lake Edward and lake George 

2 Male Elephants on shore. Yellow billed storks. 2 water buffalo laying in water. 

Tide kingfisher birds. 

African bush Elephant good swimmers. Can go 50kms. Travels horizontally to get to river, he is in front of steep slope. 3.5 to 4.5 meters high. Cools body with ears. Tusks large and grow up. Good sense of smell. Bigger than forest elephants. 

Yellow weaver birds – colourful are male

Hippos. 5000 in QE park. Along boat ride will see a lot of them. Aquatic during day, land at night. In water 16 of 24 hours to stay cool. Can go under 3-5 minutes. No sweat glands. Bigger is male. A school of hippos, pod or herd or bloat of hippos. Eat only grass. Cow, bull and calf. Same called elephant and buffalo.  Honking. Albino is pink color. Drink 25 litre water in day. Territorial in water. Solitary on land.  Don’t interact with other school. One dominant male. If he loses, he will be separated   If more than 100 in school, called district.  

Elephant eat 18 hours a day. 3 course meals. 300 km of grass per day.  Way more water in day.  

Nile Crocodile up to 2 meters. Live 70-100 years. Eats stone to keep it on bottom. Can go 2 years with no food. Typically eat fish. 

Nile Monitor Lizard on rock. Forked tongue. Live 30 years. Tail is 50 x length of body. 

Hadada ibis bird in tree. African fish eagle in tree. Palm nut Vulture also in acacia tree. 

Lion and hyenas becoming extinct. Being poisoned by communities 

Big 5 are most challenging animals to track down by foot. 

Rhino extinct in Uganda. 

Small bervis monkey and baby in a tree

Fish do well here feeding on poop of hippopotamus 

Purple heron. 

Fabulous optional activity offered in this area. Seeing wildlife from the river channel. Amazing. Pics to follow 

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