Lyon. Market day. Aventure urbaine.

Last evening stroll along the Rhone …. Wow.

Up after a sleep In, how to spend a Saturday in Lyon?  Put a load of laundry on….. out the door.

We walked to the Metro and travelled about 6 stops. (Heading to the outdoor market) Music violin accompaniment with his speaker box. Bungee cord holding speaker to wheels, middle aged man playing violin with a paper cup to collect donations.  A young mom and her daughter contributed and a man at the door who came in when the musician arrived.  They stayed about 3 stops.  He played Desposito (Latino-pop music), very catchy and uplifting.  Toes tapping and some heads nodding to the beat. 

Listening. Watching. Saturday morning activity in the city.  We walked to the outdoor market about 15 minutes following the Google Maps.

People with puppies. Couples holding  hands   Older solo shoppers. Hats. Scarves. Running shoes. High boots. Coats. Tshirts.  Shopping the booths.  Market. Colourful. Fresh fruit. Beautiful firm red strawberries, crisp apples and many other round fruits.   Plump purple blueberries. 

Round shapes of hundreds of cheeses. Mostly whites, dairy cow and goat.  WOW. Seafood, shrimps, salmon. Tiny tiny breaded fishes.  Olives!! Regional, stuffed green, dark black dried, large bright with pits, multicoloured, local, tasty, firm. Tasty. Fabulous. Breads. Loafs. Sweet treats. 

Hands in pockets for cash. Exchanges everywhere.  Merci,merci beaucoup.  Purchased cheeses, olives, strawberries.  

Church bells call my attention.  We look over, another beautiful church ringing the sound, I can see the bell up high in the steeple.  We go in for a wee sit and enjoy the peace of the moment.  Candles burning, wishes made, people praying. 

We took the bus to centre of Lyon, Part Dieu stop ….we were tempted by fries at Five Guys.  Fabulous dipped in mayo and ketchup.  Totally gluten free!  

Then we walked to Les Halles De Lyon Paul Bocuse.   Food. Food. Food.  Rows and rows …. a huge room chock a block full of every imaginable French cuisine served, sold, salivated over.  People drinking wine, eating seafood trays including oysters, scallops, shrimp, scampi, muscles ….. cheeses, rows of cheeses, sweets and breads, charcuterie boards serving all manner of flavours.  Olives … finally!

Walked to Les Gasteliers. Sans gluten patisserie Boulanger Lyon 6. 123 rue de Seze. Quiche. Pizza. Bread. Biscotti. Chocolate. Tarts. Cream puffs. Eclairs. Cookies. I had spinach and ricotta quiche warmed up. A bottle of organic lemonade and a chocolate nut brownie and je suis tres rassasie.  We decide we will return here on Monday so not to fill our pockets today.  Merveilleux!  So full of food and lots in the back pack.  Oh vey!  

The destination is an urban adventure (aventure urbaine) to parc de la tête d’Or and outdoor zoo. Botanical rose garden. Plethora of Peonies in full bloom. Beautiful gardens, trees in full blossom.  People walking on paths, the blue sky, the greenery.  We must have spent an hour wandering and enjoying the rose archways … then animals, giraffes, zebra, monkeys, pink flamingoes and pelicans.  Beautifully decked out in spring behaviour.  Fun and colourful.  We kept walking….

Am I ready for a walk up about 80 meter steep stairs?  Hell, I don’t know.  Sure …. Why not.  Holy moly. Up.  Up. Up. Stairs. Stairs. More stairs.  If you are going to do this hike, practice! It is a lot of stairs and exertion. I made it.  Beautiful views.  Strenuous and exciting.  

Toward the la Maison Des Canuts.  It is a kind of small silk museum, tells story of how silk history and artistry in Lyon in 1800s. Looms and threads and results of beautiful textured scarves.  

Apres, we began the walk back to the river, down shopping streets built on a steep slope.  Food, ice cream. Happy hour wine drinking, views, cheese trays and a few vintage thrift type stores.  We stop in a few for some laughs and ideas for a fashion accessory.  We got Rachel a new suitcase for her trip to South America.  Down. Down. Down the cobblestone streets, crossing roads and by people out enjoying the day.  We walked to the river, it all became familiar to me. 

We started walking toward home.  A swan graced our walk.  We walked in the sun along the river … people riding bikes, jogging, sitting, walking. 

We crossed the bridge. Stopped to get ice-cream, water and wine for this evening.  Leftovers, cheese, olives, berries, and wine (the least expensive I see is 2 euro per bottle, red, rose and Prosecco bubbly, and water … all very inexpensive.  Success.  22,500 steps, 15.5 kms. All in sunshine.  

List for Monday to come back to get gf food for our trips onward. 

Bonne nuit from Lyon.  

Pamellllla de France

One comment on “Lyon. Market day. Aventure urbaine.

  1. looks wonderful Pamela…..and yummy too 🥂

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