Uganda, Simba Safari Lodge, Queen Elizabeth National Park

Hello and back on wifi while in restaurant but photos won’t upload. I think it is 12 Sep 2023. 

We left Kluges Guest Lodge this morning after two nights in nice tents with full beds but shared bathroom so walked to shower and toilets. Some ants were annoying. Beautiful gardens and flowers and trees on site. Did a guided nature walking tour on day of arrival. Overnight listening to the rain and sounds of the night. I will post photos on Facebook when I can.

I stayed on site yesterday and enjoyed the pool, enjoying the flowers, trees, birdsong and other noises. …and sat in lodge lounge listening to the rain and chatting with other guests and the owners. I enjoyed the relaxing downtime and sounds of the birds and wildlife. 

Ok. We arrived at Simba Safari Lodge around lunch time. I had a quick swim. Our shared room is lovely, spacious. Room is directly across from pool. 

I had a bowl of soup for lunch. Food is great so far. 

We are here for two nights and will be on Safari this evening. I think also all day tomorrow… we will eat at a different site. The Queen Elizabeth National Park is huge, second largest in Uganda. We will find some wildlife. Maybe elephant and ??  Not likely lion or other cats which are more camera shy. That’s ok with me. We will see what nature provides us. 

Paul is a very accomplished guide and knowledgeable person from Uganda. He used to be a teacher in public schools on Ugandan history. For past years has been guiding with GAdventures. The CEO guides working with G are exceptional and I highly recommend this Canadian company that give’s wonderful opportunities to local people in destination. Yay for GAdventures!!

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