Exquisite France on a barge in Burgundy

EXQUISITE. Extraordinary. Most Excellent
On top deck of river barge Daniele. St Leger, France. Wow!  
Greeted with glasses of champagne, as all the wine and beer are included on this GAdventures tour. Fabulous value and so beautiful and relaxing. Scenery is breathtaking.  
We are tied up for the night. In a fabulous spot, walking trails along the river, large estate buildings and stone fences lining the path ways. Large lounge chairs on the top deck for relaxing and enjoying a cool glass of regional rose. This is amazing!
The call to dine is around 730 pm and we are very ready. Lovely salad greens, then the main meal with colour and flavours outstanding. Regional cheeses to taste, wine with every course, and banana split for desert. Everyone enjoys the feast.
Throughout and after dinner, a chat and then leisurely few hours in a not too hot tub on deck. The wine is free flowing and the conversation very fun and interesting. Great people to chat with, with 22 guests on board the Daniele.  
St Gilles is the little village as we meander up the river. The fourth lock experience as we float along about 2 Kms an hour. Birds singing their morning song, the sun shining brightly and reflecting diamonds off the shiny surface. A family of ducks on their outing, the family business. Chickens and cows on farmlands.  
Cyclists and bikers along the path. 6 more Kms to the next town and where we stop for the afternoon stroll. Red terra cotta tile rooftops dot the countryside. Church steeples are seen in the distance between the green foliage of the trees. Rows upon rows of grape vines can be seen on the rises of the land.  
International languages spoken on board, French, German, Australian, British, Canadian and southern USA. 
Stay tuned for more peaceful meandering. This is a most extraordinary, and relaxing vacation far away from reality, the barge of luxury and friendship.  

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