Leaving Athens 10 Sept 2019

10 September 2019
Day two, Best of Greece GAdventures tour

Breakfast on roof top of Jason Hotel early this morning. The best breakfast ever. Hard fried eggs, bacon, olives, feta, cucumbers, tomatoes, decaf coffee with cream and I brought Splenda package from home. Delightful. Still dark,a view of
Acropolis lit up. Quiet early morning moment of peace in Athens.

We take taxis and head to the rail station. All packed and departure. From our Athens’s home.

On the train en route to Kolumaka, Greece. Maybe 22,000 population ? Anticipation. So looking forward.

Gateway to Meteora.

Intentions for today, stay as present as possible. Listen to Pema Chodron on train ( my assigned seat is separate from others). I forgot my earphones, will try to use ear buds. Three American folks from California sitting with me. Assigned seating for 4. I am Facing wrong way. My suitcase is stashed at back of train and GAdventurds daypack and white Panama style hat overhead above my seat. Ready for 4 -5 hour train ride, backwards in car 5 at back of train. If not easy access to my earbuds, will read.

Popping ginger already, haha. Beautiful green lush countryside, farmland, trees. I can see the dry soil between the trees, but lots of shrubs and some large farm estates. Typically in city it seems like all apartment buildings. Large flat-roof white, balconies with nothing on them (no chairs or tables). I can hear Canadian people from my tour talking politics. I am on search for my earbuds. Lol. Success. Pema’s teachings as background as I type this blog on my trusty iPad.

I can see out the back of the train. Acknowledging my discomfort, breathing in gratitude for this happy trip and great travel friends. May we all be safe and protected. May we all be peaceful and happy. May we all be healthy and strong. May we all love ourselves exactly as we are. May we live our lives joyfully and with ease.

Terrain is ever changing, vineyards, orchards, arid dry shrubs, lush farm land, mountainous, flat as far as the eye can see, windmills, stone rock outcrops, lit tunnels, farm machinery on straight roads between fields. It’s all beautiful. Five hours of train, we arrived. Kalambaka is the town we will stay a few nights in view of the awe inspiring Meteora.

We had a local hot hearty lunch meal, walkabout, iced decaf coffee, swim in the infinity pool (Cool and refreshing) at Eidelweiss hotel. Cute charming town. Going to love it here, two nights.

Signed up for sunset viewing tonight and van ride tomorrow. Through monasteries … hearing stories.

Woo hoo. This is amazing!

Love Pamela

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