
Does Dallas ever cross your mind?

I am at Dallas Fortworth airport in Texas making my way home to Victoria.

I think this is my first time here and so exciting. I can see almost forever out the window. Big big sky like Calgary. Lovely clear weather and flat with great sky scapes off in the distance, of city buildings. Flying in I was reminded of the Dallas TV show of years ago. JR Ewing and all that.

Lots of renovation happening at the airport, it is clean and nicely organized. We stopped at a TeaVana store and had a piping hot fresh cup of tea, mint chocolate for me. Yummm

I wandered in to a Brighton store. My mom purchases Brighton jewellery for me during the holidays, often. This store was full of sparkly stuff, colourful bags and a tempting carry on suitcase. I don’t have much time to look around but am delighted by the find.

Getting ready to board

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