Comments on: Authenticity from Exploration/2012/12/29/authenticity-from-exploration/Travel stories and inspirationsSun, 30 Dec 2012 23:29:17 +0000hourly1 Dagmar Snodgrass/2012/12/29/authenticity-from-exploration/#comment-89Sun, 30 Dec 2012 23:29:17 +0000/2012/12/29/authenticity-from-exploration/#comment-89Pam go and enjoy … are doing things that most people can only dream about . but by sharing what you see and what you are doing you help me see the world with your Eyes . i can feel like I am a part of this in a small way . I know this world is a wonderful place full of amazing places and people to meet . I am so glad that you can do all of this …. and that you let me and others share in your adventures at sea and on land . ….. Happy travel time my friend from Dagmar .( Dagie )
