a Day at Annecy, France. 21 April 2024

Last night we played cards, Sweet Home Alabama movie in the background, more laundry and chat. Trouble falling asleep. Likely the rich food but …. Pourquois pas? Quand en France …..

Up by alarm and out the door within 15 minutes. Walk to metro and arrive just as train departs. The timing is brilliant. Old American song playing over speaker. At each metro stop as the doors opened I heard the same song still going. lol. How do they do that?  

Grateful for the connections and catching glimpse of blue sky as we head out today for a new town, Annecy. It’s a lovely destination town in northern French Alps.  Expecting a two hour train ride departing at 850 am that we pre booked a few days ago. Ok. So Sunday happened and tried walking to rail station but metro wasn’t running and tram was 20 minutes away. We walked fast, but not fast enough. So hopped an Uber. To Part Dieu rail station. He literally dropped us on a street, we hustled stretching our legs and off we sped. Hopped on train with two minutes to seat. lol.  Heart racing for early Sunday morning. Woo hoo. On our way!

Later:  back on train to Lyon. 849 pm with our reserved second class seats on beautiful evening. Fullish moon. Spectacular sky. Let me tell you about my 30,000 step, 22 km walking day. And a cold water swim in the glacier fed mountain alpine lake in a most beautiful city in France. If you don’t have Annecy on your list, put it there. I hope to be back. 

We had breakfast on the train. We brought cheese and olives. Wow.  Beautiful breakfast. Then played some cribbage the board game and enjoyed the French countryside. 

Upon arrival around 1115 am we were delighted to notice a huge local market. Stalls with enthusiastic vendors selling all manner of goods and foods. Olives, cheeses, meats, scarves, shoes, clothes. Fruit and very colourful vegetables, rotisserie chicken and potatoes, sweets.    Local shops selling tourist items, teas, clothing. 

I saw a shop of Sarah Pacini, one of my fave designers. Shop closed today, Sunday.  But excited to look in her window. 

We purchased more varieties of olives, more flavourful cheese, juicy oranges, delicious prosciutto made locally. Caramels. Nougat. Yumm

We walked through town stopping at Monoprix to get drinks. Then found bench around lake, enjoyed lunch.   We walked around the lake and found a spot to swim. We got changed in a handicapped bathroom. Then cold water dip about ten minutes. Lots of expressions as people passed by. It was a chilly day with people in scarves and warm coats. Got changed again into dry clothes. 

Walking to get warm we walked up many stairs and a hill to the local basilica to enjoy the view and peace within. 

Walking back down alleys and unexplored areas to old town again. Following river to the lake. Watching birds and ducks. People watching. Enjoying the sky and weather and scenery of this beautiful northern French Alp town. Final walk through the streets taking pics of the flower boxes and fast moving river reflecting light and colour. Beautiful golden lights turned on for dusk.

One more day tomorrow to pack and head home Tuesday… almost over. Great vacation. Wonderful experience. Beautiful sites. Deep chats. Happy memories. 

Trainride almost over.  Wine almost gone. Tired. It’s late. Home by midnight   Good night. Bonne nuit de France.

2 comments on “a Day at Annecy, France. 21 April 2024

  1. globepro2000 says:

    Cela ressemble et ressemble au rêve d’une journée, à l’exception de la partie de trempette froide 😉 Des images fantastiques montrant ce qui semble être une jolie ville magique. Bon voyage à la maison ! Xo

  2. ❤️wow….my kinda place!

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