Gratitude in Greece, 8 Sep 2019

Great morning in Athens, luxury and abundant, sunshine and blue skies

I woke up at 8 am on Sunday 8 September…. it’s tomorrow here! 10 pm back home in Victoria Canada.

Let me tell you it’s exciting to see tomorrow and I can foresee …. it’s all going to be fine. Better than you think …. brilliant and beautiful, restful and exciting …. it’s all here waiting for you.

Great sleep, although maybe I could use a bit more … lol. It’s great to be a morning person. It’s great to be happy. It’s great to have positive energy. It’s worth it to do the self-development practices all year so they become habits of happiness. Yeah!

Today a leisurely wake up, repack and head to the new hotel downtown …drop our stuff and out to explore in Plaka in downtown Athens. Checking out the designer shops, perhaps.

I overpacked but let me tell you what I packed this time … silk items from previous Greece adventures “just” to lounge around in the hotel rooms. I seldom pack like this … I love luxury and yet, here I am on a Classic GAdventures land tour of the most ancient country … so bringing luxury with me seemed appropriate and makes me happy. Layers of flowy colorful silk garments wrapping me in love and care. I brought a silk travel pillow encased in silk pillowcase.

I brought “sharing” quantities of west coast peppermint tea leaves, decaf coffee packs from Starbucks, Univera Xtra and Aloe …. abundance and luxury abound for me in this wonderous place on the planet. Lucky me! Lucky us!

Conversations about how we get to define ourselves today … each day. It’s a choice to be fully who we are and to celebrate that and witness for each other. I am so grateful for my family for loving me and supporting me to be who I am and my mom and ancestors for giving me this gracious way to be in the world.

Have a wonderful day wherever you are.

Love and gratitude from Pamela at the Sofitel Airport hotel in Athens. It’s an awesome place to stay after a long flight.

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