Vision Statement: a work in progress

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

I am incredibly grateful and happy to be living on purpose, joyfully and with ease. I am deeply appreciated and loved.  Every day something wonderful happens.

By showing up and playing full out in my extraordinary life of service and passion filled fun adventures; I create a movement.  I inspire dream vacations of a lifetime with my family, friends, soul sisters and with women holding hands around the world.  I walk where women have walked before me; I am a leader in this community; I truly make a difference.  HerWayTravel is respected and shared globally. The best for women is the best for all.

I am blown away by my financial abundance having attracted a rapidly growing network of capable, committed, creative, visionary and super successful business partners who share Blue Diamond affluence, vibrant health and vitality, and global purpose through relationship in Univera.

Contributing in a meaningful way to world peace, I consciously practice caring communication including mindfulness, generosity, loving-kindness, visualization, journaling and Ho’oponopono.

Embracing change, I take profound focused action each day in the direction of my dreams by celebrating my insights, breaking through to my authenticity and standing strong and bold in my confidence and brilliant self image.

I greet each moment with open curiosity, courage, compassion, optimism, enthusiasm, excitement and expectancy.

I am living my dream by connecting to yours: world travel, financial ease, vital energy and deepening relationships.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.


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