Road to Rwanda

Last evening I struggled to post on blog or photos. 

The days trek was epic in every way … pushing farther out of my comfort zone and with my travel buddies who did the same.  Somehow bonded more by the extreme exertion and then the close encounter with this magnificent gorilla family.  We had a big “base camp” of support, tracked, guides, porters and each other to cheer us and help us reach the goal and then an hour with the gorillas.  Then the trek out again and back to the camp.  Showered, exhausted, adrenaline returns to normal baseline.  I went to the reception area to try to post pics and this blog.

And then my right ankle quit working. I remember twisting it yesterday on the hike to gorillas. This was a delayed reaction, painful and I had to hobble using walking sticks and help. The hotel brought me hot water in a thermos and a cloth to ease my suffering before bed. Also they had a lovely hot water bottle in the bed which I kept on my ankle all night. Although tender, I am able to walk this morning. 

The last day in Uganda. The last day on tour. 

On the road and packed by 645 this morning. 

Driving through the beautiful terraced mountains on dirt roads for at least an hour. Snapping photos and waving to children. Then paved road, through small towns setting up for markets, people on bikes, motorcycles and by foot. Often carrying large items such as containers of water, loads of sticks and farm produce. 

We lost an hour for time zone. It’s now 945 am. Driving now on our North American side of the road. Slower speed limit. Cameras control giving speeding ticket. Country is wealthy, people are poor. Election every 7 years. 

Used to be three tribes then genocide – we will go to memorial today. Now no differentiation between tribes. Uganda not same problem because 56 tribes. Hard for one tribe to rise above others. 

Tea plantation we drive through. Bycicles as taxis. And some carrying large metal milk containers balanced on back. No rumble strips on road, more cameras and high fines for speeding. 

Gorillas can be found and visited in 3 countries Rwanda Uganda. Congo. Rwanda charges $1500, Uganda $700 and Congo $200.  

The vegetation and agriculture changes as we drive. More trees. Groves of bamboo. It’s beautiful. Growing rice in fields. 

1115 arrive Kigali city. Busses. Traffic. 3 languages. French. English. Rwanda. We are going to Genocide Memorial museum. 

7 April l994 over million Tutsi murdered under horrific circumstances in 3 months, killed.    Although graphic and detailed in horrific stories and details, this is such a moving memorial and incredibly well done. Tears of grief are flowing.  I won’t ever forget.

We went for lunch at a local woman’s home in Kigali, Rwanda.  Fabulous food and she made me separate pots of food to ensure no cross contamination.  Thanks Paul for arranging this.

Then the Nyamirambo Women’s Center (celebrating 25 years of empowering women).  Beautiful shop and we wanted to help by making purchases.  Following this, we were dropped at our final destination on this tour, Kigali View Hotel.  They were not ready for us but we made it work. We said goodbye to some travel mates who are going on to other destinations.  

Later in the evening I had a cry again as a few of us talked about our experience at the memorial.

Today, packing up and heading to the airport for the long flights and onward to Canada!

Thanks for following 

Pamela signing off from Africa

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