Travel en route to Africa – day 2


It is late now here in South Africa.  Just after midnight local time.  I have arrived and staying two nights at Airport Game Lodge.  So far I saw a rabbit.  Lol.  First night in my own room ….. which is cute and cozy, clean and nice to be done flying!  I am off to sleep soon … meeting the tour folks tomorrow…. Stay tuned.  I have mostly been in airports or planes for more than 30 hours so it’s nice to see nature, even though it is dark outside.  Tomorrow I will post something more exciting I am sure.  


Last evening, between the ferry from Vancouver Island and  the early morning flight out of Vancouver, a magical conversation happened.

I am a member of the Western Canada Online club of Soroptimist International of the Americas.  I was staying with a friend who introduced me to  Soroptimist years ago.  On this evening she made a call and connected me with a woman, fellow Soroptimist, from Kenya who is currently in Canada.  Joined with intention to share friendship. Khayanga and I shared common and different stories of inspiring women and girls around the world.  A fine connection.  I asked her thoughts on the Barbie movie and was delighted we shared very similar views of some deeper meaning mixed with entertaining scenes.  Layers of thoughtful nuanced and more obvious scenes, a revolutionary film for our time.  I recommend it. I learned about her camp for girls and young women in leadership.  She will introduce me to and connect me with some other women in Africa for the time I am here.  Women holding hands around the world …my vision, my why.

There are movies on this long nine to ten hours flight.  And there is this …. Just this.  Jon Kabat-Zinn master class on mindfulness.  Starting at the top …. Here are some learnings, some matterings… some of what he says. -There are a lot of doors into the very same room.  – I will pour energy into what’s right with me. – I am the curriculum starting from exactly where I am now. Mindfulness / wakefulness is way of being …. awareness, pay attention, on purpose in the present moment.  Be in the present – here and now and be non judgmental about the judgement.  Caring about myself enough to not contract into wanting or not wanting.  Liberate from likes and dislikes.  In a friendly way.  Non-doing. How things are.  Develop a quality of patience.  Not try to push the river.  No where to go.  – Healing is not curing.  Healing is to embrace how things are.  Suffering is driven by self-diminishing narrative stories.  Beginners mind, “don’t know” mind.  Power of not knowing. 

Listening to Elizabeth Gilbert …Big Magic.  On and off with a timer to guide my mind and to let go of being awake.  Brene Brown, Atlas of the Heart series exploring emotions and connection. 

That is all for now …. Time to sleep. Here is my cute resting spot at Airport Game Lodge outside of Johannesburg, South Africa

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