Chania Crete revisited 



When I first learned about returning to Chania Greece on this cruise itinerary, I was excited. I remember, fondly, two previous visits to this fare seaside village, the sights of ancient stone work, the lighthouse, the olives and the beach. I longed again, to return and walk through the town, find my favourite shopping store with designer label clothes and jewelry and to once again feel the Greek culture and history.  

And yesterday, with the group of women travelling together, with my mom and Jim … I once again enjoyed this place.  
We walked, talked, laughed, shopped, swam, sang, danced and exchanged excitement at every new find. It was one of the best days on this trip.
It is hard to really pinpoint the very best days as there has been many. It is great to feel the close kinship and friendship with this travelling band of wonderful people.  
I revisited Xamam the store boasting “philosophy to wear” and was inspired, again by the variety, simplicity, natural fibres and the beauty of designer fashions. We spent glorious moments wrapped in beautiful things …. Trying on for size, colour, fabric drape and appeal to the body shape.
We found our tribe also wandering the town .. We were 6-8 together all day. After shopping we took relief and complimentary wine or beer, and sat along the beautiful seaside in a cafe and ate Greek food! Spectacular and delicious, very satisfying.  
Onward to the beach where we took turns swimming in the refreshing cool and inviting salt water sea. Wonderful friendships!  
It was a great day!  
Wish you were here!  

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