Magic of Maratea

Ushered to our seats, we women sit at the table reserved for five, near the window. We order lobster, grilled vegetables, house wine-white, fizzy water and are entertained by the young waiter who greets us. He has a sharp wit and at times it is bordering on rude for where we come from…. However, he makes recommendations and answers questions that are key to a satisfying fine dining experience.

While we wait and sip on the wine and water, we hear ever so lightly the keys of a piano. Little did we know how the story would unfold. The music is gentle and subtle and very beautiful. Familiar classic tunes fill the air and provide lovely background to our chat about today, our drive, and our extreme good fortune to be together in this place, safe and happy. We toast again with wine and I hear cheers for my driving today… The vistas we enjoyed and Janie for sharing this place with us. We talk about our day, and our week together, our friendship, and our mommas.

As the dining experience unfolds, the gal beings to sing. A beautiful strong voice arises and fills all the space in the room. She is carefully signing English words that she probably does not really understand and it appears she is reading the words. “Come Away With Me”. She is met with a young man and they begin to harmonize. We have stopped talking and thinking about anything else but the sweet sounds of music that fill the air on this mountaintop resort and it’s high class restaurant walled with glass, with fresh orchids on the plates as garnish and in the vase at the table. It is magic.

Between songs Janie asks them to sing something they love to sing in Italian. Not a dry eye in the house. Every one stops and suspends in the air, carried away with passion and musical notes like I have never heard before. Harmony, and pleasure, mixed no doubt with pain, in Italian. He now stands behind her and they hit notes that send goosebumps everywhere.

Even the waiter comments on his reaction when it is over. Tears pouring down my cheeks, uncontrolled and not holding back. I don’t know what the words are and not even the meaning is known, only the true raw emotion in the air. The hair on my neck is standing to listen …. We are transfixed and in awe. It continues. Song after song after song, each one beautiful. We are carried to whatever emotion they are singing … We are there. Brava! Belissima! Fantastico!

The young woman weeps as she sings and seems to be pleased with our reactions. When we left I find her eyes, we speak without words, I send her a blown kiss and she responds in kind. She is an entertainer of the highest degree. I am still captured, even this morning as I write this blog. What a gift to the world!

Magic! Italiano! I love this place, this moment, this dream … And this memory. Grazie to all the steps and effort that brought me to this place and this magic.

With love, wish you were here. Ti amo.


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