Dec 9 2010 Luxury at Sea

9 Dec 2010 Day at Sea, after Gibralter

Greetings loved ones. I am writing from sea. Very windy and very sunny. Today we have seen only water and sunshine. It is a most beautiful sight. Bright blue sky overhead and reflections of blue from below. Our balcony window is the size of the wall … very good opportunity for watching for any scenes that might come by the ship. Large tanker and cargo ships out at sea, carrying something from here to there.

We are a little at the back (aft) from center. The rocking is not felt too badly from here. Few people talking about feeling sick last night. I love the sleep I enter with a rocking motion. Warm air outside, wind and waves.

We have been eating phenomenal food – lobster, boulliabais today at lunch – full with sea food. Shrimp so large they must be something or some special variety.

Unlimited soda and water, including Perrier and San Peregrino. We have lots of wine, some we brought on board, some gifts, and a bottle of champagne to share. We are heading out for afternoon tea at 4. We order capuccino and latte and we purchased go cups so I can also carry around my tea to enjoy.

The boutiques on board are great prices for very upscale, designer merchandise. The 70% off sale on Ribkoff is very tempting as well as duty free items of all sorts.

We drink lots of water from the lovely blue plastic bottles that get refreshed a few times a day. Our fridge is regularly stocked with items at our request.

Each day I have a menu delivered for the next evening (supper) so I can select gluten free items. We have had two dinners in formal dining room and one night at Polo Grill so far. At Polo I had lobster (whole) from Maine, and then filet mignon grilled to perfection. We all have had no problem finding food items that are fabulous. Glad we all have stretchy clothes!! Very rich delicacies. Mom orders hors d’oerves to share every night and Steve and I help her with those while we share our wine or champagne for that evening.

Had a Captains night and dressed up last evening so we had more champagne then and lots of appetizers as well.

Our room is fabulous, the service is extraordinary …. so many staff to meet our every whim. Smiling as they deliver whatever we request.

Well a few more sea days and then off to Cape Verde. We attended a lecture on this little group of islands and learned more about them. Central to the slave trade so many years ago, I am a little squeamish about what kinds of historical memories lie beneath the surface of this vacation destination.

We will walk about and get a feel for the place …. and then 3 more days at sea until we arrive in Brazil. I am looking forward to the heat.

Fresh flowers arrive with room service. We want for nothing. The dinner dishes are Versace …. it is truly luxury on the seas!!

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