Delhi Day!

Delhi. After the long overnight first class train ride from Jaisalmer to Delhi, we arrive. We are transported to the Good times hotel (not really a recommended accommodation) and we wait. We wait for our passports to be scanned, our rooms to be prepared and for our arrival to this city. We make plans for the day, we have a driver, our friend Lalu and off we go.
We stop for a week bit of lunch at a fabulous strip mall of restaurants and the meal is tasty and excellent, plenty of food arrives.
We want to see the place where Gandhi spent his last days and was assassinated, shot outside his home. It is powerful, moving and quietly. Quotes from his heart are scattered on signs. 
Then to the beginning of the Salt walk with Gandhi as he began the walk to Kerala region. Photos taken.
Finally to the place where he was cremated – the large park surrounding this sacred place. Moving.
Out for dinner to share our last few hours together, to thank Lalu and to have some words to summarize our thoughts and affections.  
An early morning flight for three of the six of us as we are heading back to Victoria. Our trip has needed. Three stay on for a visit to the famed Taj Mahal. This will be powerful for them.
I am on the plane almost home now and catching up on my blog posts and sentimental emails. No wifi for a few days, no time to make posts. My heart is still trying to stay present and respect the process of this journey. I remain positive and I hope to do this trip again, maybe two weeks next time. Maybe Kerala in the south? We shall see.
One thing seems certain to me now, my journey with India is not yet complete. I still feel warm and welcome in its arms and heart. I love the people I have met and I look forward to supporting them in our next tomorrows when we see each other again.
Namaste and thanks for following along ……

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