I See You!

Two Voices: I see you!

I am searching for a way to connect even more with my loved ones. There was a time when each breath and happy moment needed the support and caring of my mom, brother, daughters. How to enrich this experience as we are scattered across distance and time, all adults and on our own paths?

How does my family show up in my climb of my Everest? How involved are they and do they want to be? How am I a witness to theirs?

I let them know of their importance to me, is that enough? The question arising today in my mastermind group discussion. The answer springs forth as I sit in the river. It is not enough to put on my own oxygen mask. Clearly I need to do it first …. And then …. What next?

I can share more the actions I am taking and my magnificent obsession … Or not. If they wanted to know, would they not already ask?

Do any of us know there is a “there” to get to?

Can I invite others to witness? I suppose in many ways that is what this blog is about! I write my stories as they happen, as if my voice and ah-has matter to the world.

Mike Dooley says he “knocked on doors and uncovered stones”. That was his way to bring his Notes From the Universe and ‘Infinite Possibilities’ to the world. He shared his early business in partnership with his mother and brother. They built it together.

In reflection today and over the past week, in workshops and subsequently meeting and witnessing a brilliant woman, Natasha, and then reflecting with my mastermind Tenzing Norgay, Deb …. I have come to the moment I want to share.

I recall the conference where I met and listened to (witnessed) the first woman from North America, a Canadian, to climb the highest mountain in the world, and she spoke about the power of witness and communication. As they raced to the top of Mt Everest deciding what to take on and what to leave behind, the Canadian team decide to have radios keep them company. When quitting and turning back was on everyone’s mind, a voice, from the radio … barely audible says, ” I can see you from here. I see you.” You are almost there, I can see you take those steps and reach your goal.

Ah-ha! This is the magic. This is what I offer to my loved ones. I am the voice on the radio. I see you! I can see you from here and I am a fan of your journey. I can see you do what is important to you and I will always be the voice you hear as you succeed.

I love you. I am sorry for whatever in my past, my actions, or those of my ancestors, that may have caused this crisis. Please forgive me. Thank you.

With love


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