Lyon day 2, 17 April 2024

I put the post cards in the mail last night.  A way to connect with family while I am away travelling.  It’s fun to search for them, write them and get them mailed.  I imagine their little happy faces when they get mail! 

Last night was the first wakeful night since I arrived and I sure feel it today.  Took the local transit to EM Lyon, the business college in the area.  I found a seat in the library and got into wifi for free … yay!  Later today I will walk and maybe do a bit of email correspondence and generally enjoy the slow pace here in France.  I will finish listening to the live Pema question and answer from the weekend and maybe do some writing and reflecting.  I have many books on my kindle app that I have started and will review.  

Instead, I notice the books on scattered shelves.  Some in English.  One jumps off the shelf at me.  Head & Heart: the Art of Modern Leadership. By Kirsten Ferguson. (First let me say, I am impressed it is written by a woman and probably the reason I picked it off the rack to browse).  Not disappointed I start making notes, looking at her bibliography and self reflecting.  Theme of Self awareness …. I also heard at recent conference in Vancouver …. Most people are way less self aware than they think.  So I am now keenly interested in how to be more self aware and how will I know it … how do I do it, how can I be it?  “Always start your day with a gift of love”. Some key words I consider: curiosity, biases, wisdom, empathy, rethinking,reflection, perspective, capability, mindset, openness.  

Why do we do the self awareness journey?  I am listening to Tim Olmsted who gives the pretalk with Pema this past Sunday while I am in Europe.  He gives 4 reasons …. If you want to know more, ask me.  I am enjoying the study.  

This afternoon we head out for an adventure in Lyon. To climb up and up to the Fourviers, basilica for the views of the inside of the church and the city and rivers from the church.  Amazing. Beautiful.  Exhausting. Haha.  Day 2 Lyon. 

One comment on “Lyon day 2, 17 April 2024

  1. Thank you 🙏 


    div>So so lovely 

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