Grazie to the Agritourismo

Bon giorno my friends and family. Imagine if you can, heaven and the perfect image of Italy. I am there.

The sun shone, the tears flowed as we departed from our temporary and delightful home at the agritourismo. We breakfasted, hugged, exchanged emails and were carefully driven to pick up the rental car.

The last twenty four hours prior were an emotional roller coaster for me and I admit I am still feeling on the edge of tears at any moment. Happy tears mostly and gratitude. The sale of my condo went firm … And I received a heartfelt email from my husband who is home and dealing with all the details on his own. Loss of that dream home we had shared for ten years, and also missing him and our home in Victoria. Perhaps moments of home sickness? The gluten ingestion and subsequent strong violent physical reaction left me weak and muscle sore. Saying good bye to new friends is hard, too after spending a week getting to know them.

Two losses stand out for me most …. Our tour leader is a young strong and very entertaining, sincere and talented man. He has been so careful with our food issues, he is a sommelier and recommended and taught us about local wines, he is from southern Italy and he loves his momma. I wept saying good bye to him although I believe we will arrange tours again together. He is such a good man and we ate most meals together sitting side by side as he looked after translations and watching what they brought to the table …. and often we would chat into the evening long after the others had retired … about love, life and how to really enjoy the most of both.

Ciao ciao Francesco, your positive energies are felt across the land and I am forever changed for the better for knowing you. I trust that your journey will take you back home to your heart. Feel it beat. Sit silently for a while and it will guide you where you need to be. With love, Pamellllla.

Secondly saying good bye to this magical place, the lemon trees hanging with beautiful fruit, the five people in the family who cooked, cleaned, served and cared for us for a week. The mamma, the papa, the son, the daughter and the stunningly beautiful Italian woman who is now my vision of Italian women, Natasha. She was gracious and passionate, fun and the way she carried herself, her clothes, her hair, her voice, her jewellery …. Ahhhhhh, a mentor. WomenHoldingHandsAroundTheWorld.

It was so hard to express in language how wonderfully they did their job, and live their lives so others can enjoy the vacation of their dreams. These people make dreams come true. How do we really and truly show that appreciation? I hope this message gets back to them somehow. My experience in their home far surpassed my expectations. I weep when I feel the expression of openness and hospitality … The sharing of their intimate space and daily life with strangers. Wow! Grazie, Grazie, Grazie.

And so my next entry will bring you up to speed on the day, the drive and the destination ….. For now……

Ciao tutti!

Ti Amo


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