25 August 2024. On our way home. Roma to Ostia

Today we are packed and ready to depart our cruiseship. We made our own arrangements for a night stay in Ostia, near the beach. The address says Roma. 

After breakfast we gather our bags and once again walk to the rail station in Civitavecchia in the heat. 4 Euro for rail service to Roma Termini. We get settled in, it’s a busy day for the train!!  Every seat is filled. The sights are pleasant as we zip on by. 

On arrival in Roma Termini we start asking directions and seeking assistance to get to Ostia where our hotel room awaits. Down down a few floors, to the metro subway. We purchase tickets. 1.50 euro a piece with directions spoken in part Italian with few words we understand. Onward. We catch a subway train to the next rail station to change to travel to Ostio Lido Centro. A few helpful folks give us tips on when to get off. We manage. On search for a taxi. We spy a stand and few taxis with no drivers. We are advised everyone is having siesta till after 2 pm. We decide to walk. Getting directions from random folks we did find the hotel. Almost collapsed from heat exhaustion we are happy for air conditioning and shower. Hotel La Scaletta, Ostio, Roma. 

On line check in with Westjet means we are almost home. Done!  Hoping for seats in emergency row tomorrow but will even ask to sit together would be nice. Will check a bag. 10 plus hours first flight direct Rome to Calgary.  Then hopefully smooth transition to Victoria. 

We will find something to eat and take some photos of the area. 

24 August 2024, a day on the train – Roma

Last stop on the cruise for this August 2024 on Oceania. We pulled into the port at Civitavecchia this morning. Sensing the stillness when the ship came to a full stop. The curtains drawn so darkness still filled the room. My iwatch says it’s time to wake and prepare for the day. 

The sun is up and warm air continues to be heavy hanging at the 32 plus degrees. Too hot to use the veranda much except for the spectacular views we have experienced on this voyage. 

Breakfast buffet includes fresh colourful sweet fruit, yogurt and decaf coffee and water. Lots of water to drink, stay hydrated. 

We walked into town in search of the rail station to head to Rome for a few hours. A few wrong turns and me walking slower in the heat, we arrive and purchase a ticket. Finding a cool rail car I relax. My plan to enjoy the ride and catch up on some writing. 

Sitting on train platform, grateful for air conditioning inside the rail car. Outside the window I view Terra cotta roofs and yellow plaster walls, bars on windows, dark brown trim. And people. People walking with wheeled suitcases. People moving through the heat. 

Announcement comes on, we will leave shortly. On our way to Roma Termini. First announced in Italian followed by English. Telling us of upcoming stops. 

Views of beautiful blue water nestled up to beige sandy beaches. Brown dry landscape with little green shrubs. Roadways. For 4 Euros it’s an inexpensive way to experience Italian countryside. 

Roma Termini. Arrived. Find toilet!!!!  Cost 1 euro per person. The downstairs washroom is closed. Security asks us to leave. We find info booth. Yay. Success. 

We have no map and no wifi. Venturing too far in the heat seems not wise. It’s a hot day even the locals say. We grab lunch and wander a bit, decide to head back to the ship to pack. It’s about 4 Euro for the air conditioned train. 

A nice day to check out Italian countryside, see the beaches, watch and listen to people. We depart the ship in the morning. Begin our travels home.

sea day. 22 August 2024

On the sea day there are some great enrichment experiences offered on Oceania. After breakfast we head to the Artists Loft for a lesson and practice in creative design imagery with Artist in residence, Kris Smith. 

The guest enrichment speaker hosted a talk on Amalfi. History lecture. Started as a vacation site a few thousand years ago. There are stories (myth?) about sailors being fearful of Siren song. Several plagues. Takeovers. Big sea storms. This area became important for Trade. Paper production was very important due to being near water from mountain (used in paper production). There remains a paper museum in Amalfi. I remember years ago buying paper here. Then writers came and wrote stories of the area promoting popularity and eventually movies were made in the region. 

Another area he talked about was Syracuse.   In the area was built a Temple of Apollo. On island of Sicily. Ancient Greeks were in this area at one time. 

We watched Culinary  programming. Jacques Pepin. SaraMoulton.com.

A very slow day, high winds at times. The air is still hot hot as we head to Naples. We can see land now as early evening starts. Beautiful lights and night sky. 

last day in Greece, 21 August 2024

Today was a lovely stop at Athens. Having been here many times before, we picked some designer shops downtown Athens and took a local cab after initial exploration of Piraeus. Fun. The walk through Plaka enjoying shopping and people watching. Short day in port then return to the ship for wee lunch, good conversation and then art class. 

Art class talking about form and shadow. Making of 3 dimensional portraits. Very good class. It was our third and one more tomorrow on sea day with multi mixed media including paints. 

I have found boxes of wine with my name on them, Pam, purchased in a Super market also named Pam. Haha

Dinner tonight at Red Ginger with a nice couple from the US. Good talk about travel. Very nice evening. 

Tomorrow sea day on route to Naples. We get out hour of additional sleep we lost when we came to Greece a week ago. An easy slow morning. 

Santorini -20 Aug 2024

Noticing the quiet between sounds. The ship has stopped outside the island of Santorini. It is day 8 of the 12 day cruise. Grateful for smooth seas, gorgeous blue sky, the moon large and golden last evening, reflections on the water, peace, joy and ease. The whitewashed buildings some with blue domed roofs that i can spy from here. Rugged landscape, the ship is floating in a dormant volcano caldera. 

History is that the volcanic eruption occurred in 1450 BC. Such amazing views and scenery here on this island. We will tender to the base of the cable car that will take us up and up and up to the look off spots. 

It was busy, tourists from several ships mixing with crew and others as we lined up and were jostled a bit …. We aided some other folks and we all rode the cable cars up and up. Then a few hours of walking around the town looking at shops and enjoying the view. A lengthy time again queue up to ride down the cable car …. Then we tendered to our ship where we spent a lovely evening. The buffet was Greek food, which I love. Then time out on the Terrace deck watching evening fall gently and lights illuminated the white Santorini buildings. Beautiful site!!!

Grateful for the day. May we all experience joy and ease, may we be well. 

sea day, Greece. 18 Aug 2024

Grateful for safe travels on the sea. Yesterday was to be a stop in Mykonos but strong wind and waves forces another sea day. Grateful the Captain has made the safe choice. Weather is as it is. I can accept weather as a condition. Good practice. 

Sea day activities include enrichment lecture on history of Knights of Malta, Knights of St John. Interesting. We had lunch at the buffet. Fresh and prepared salad fixings, 

A wee rest period watching the waves and blue skies overhead as we traverse the sea. The walking deck was closed off due to high winds. 

In the afternoon we watched a full feature movie in the lounge. Ezra. All star cast. Very emotional. 

Tea in Horizons with string quartet music accompanying. Then supper with new friends in Grand Dining Room. 

Today are in  port of Heraklion in Crete. We will wander through town exploring. 

Sparkling white diamonds on the water surface. It looks like maybe a code, form of communication. Magic

day at sea. 17 August 2024

A sea day. Magic invention. Luxurious and lazy. A day to consider where we have been or plan where we are going. Time to sit in contemplation, connection and conversation with new friends. 

Important also to sit with the present moment, this, just this. Not wishing it was otherwise and not longing or remembering. 

A time change, an hour later. We have breakfast in the buffet with lots of fresh fruit. A swim in the salt water pool. 

A painting class with acrylics- the study of a small seascape. Yesterdays class with charcoal sketch of an apple still life. Yesterday’s art now hanging on the class room wall for all to see. 

Reading a book about the wisdom from trees. Shallow spread out roots of the spruce. The fir digs down deep and shoots up high. Some species can better survive and thrive the weather and sunshine. 

As i breathe today, although at sea, noticing the breath, the give and take, rise and fall, in and out. Automatic rhythm where no one is falling behind, no one is getting ahead. Still, we compare. No one is of any greater value!! 

Peaceful. Private. Pleasant. 


Beautiful relaxing day in Malta yesterday. Also time at the pool and with new friends. Grateful for this vacation. Grateful for time and space to relax. Time for sleep, eating well and enjoying the ports of call. Tomorrow is a day at sea, grateful. 

May gratitude foster deep connection and tenderness towards myself and others.  May the benefits radiate outward like gentle rolling waves. May we all be well.

Amalfi, Italy. 14 Aug 2024

Beautiful port of call today, Amalfi.  We took a tender boat. This is a charming little town, beaches, sculptures, history of paper making and shops to visit that still sell the products. Walked through the windy streets and old archways, taking stairs and looking in shop windows. The temperature was still hot today, the sea created a bit of breeze. 

Back to the ship for a cooling dip in the pool and fresh salad with tasty toppings for lunch. Stayed in bathing suit with dress cover up – great way to beat the heat!!!! We explored the ship and started a jigsaw puzzle of colourful Venice.  Signed up for 4 art classes this voyage. 

Tonight is captains cocktail party and dinner at Polo. I am trying to stay awake so I can sleep at night. Jet lag is a thing!!

Messina and maybe Taormina, Sicily tomorrow. Ciao from the Med sea and this beautiful ship. 

not sure what day it is. 13 August 2024. The cruise begins

Grateful for the sleep in. Sound sleep in the dark cool room after cooler evening walk in our area of Rome near the hotel. Mary woke me up this morning. She had been up 4-5 hours. I slept.

Termini station and Yes hotel. Rome. Quick breakfast. Back to room to gather belongings and walk in heat and sun to train station. Posted postcard to grandboys. Purchased tickets to Civitavecchia.  We had help from attendant selling tickets at the station. And long walk through Termini station to a far away train to take to the ship.

On the regional train. 4 Euros. In and out of tunnels, watching countryside and enjoying Italian language being spoken. 

Trees (could be called umbrella trees??) with large open green tops, long tall twisty trunks. 

About 8-12 or more little stops with Roma names. Red terra cotta roofs. Ahhhhhhh. Italy!!!  Solar panels on the roof. The landscape opens to seascape with electric blue reaching out to the horizon. Dotted with white sailboats. We must be nearing our destination. S Severa looks like a beach stop. Young people in hats carrying bags with towels. 

The people we have interacted with have been fabulous- The gal I talked to days ago at Westjet to rebook flights, the two guy servers at moxies restaurant in Sandman, the Hula poke bowl staff at airport, the manager at Westjet counter in Vancouver who arranged vouchers for accommodation , transportation and meals, the manager at desk at Sandman in Vancouver, the desk clerk at Yes Hotel who remembers me and printed off train schedule for us. And the Italian man selling and explaining tickets for rail pass to get us to cruise ship. They give off energy of loving what they do and we respond with deep appreciation. 

Civitavecchia is hot in the sun but we walk to town to make a purchase of Prosecco from the “super mercato”. It’s on ice for another day. Enjoying the art on the ship, dinner in Toscana and a beautiful walk in warm breeze watching the sunset. Wow. So beautiful 

Now on the cruise ship sailing to Amalfi. Grateful for this opportunity to rest and explore, to have great conversations, to notice and be present. Good night from a luxury ship (Oceania Riviera) in the med. 

11 August 2024. Day one, slow and relaxed

I fall in slow motion into vacation mode.

It has been a challenging few days with Westjet …. But let me tell you about wonderful people.  4 plus hours on the phone as our flights were cancelled and rebooked on different dates.  Today, an evening 15 minutes in the air and a few lineups to talk to Westjet reps to get complimentary hotel room at the Sandman on Georgia in Vancouver   

Before we got booked in, the reduced cost was $760 a night!  Lucky we did not have to pay that …. Westjet picks up the tab for hotel, taxis and 6 meal vouchers.  We have a beautiful 11th floor room in the city.  The sunset was breath taking.  Then light appies , baked tomatoes and whipped feta dripping in garlicky olive oil and spice …. Gluten free crackers and toasted seed bread for Mary.  We didn’t lick the bowl but neither did we leave any in the dish!  It was amazing. A nice glass of house red wine.  Complimentary to Westjet.  We have had a series of the very nicest people for this whole experience, wait staff, Westjet agent, maître de, hotel manager.  

Other guests at the hotel are Anime Comic-Con dressed up Japanese young people in wigs and elf ears and horns.  It is like a scene from a science fiction movie or comic book.  Super fun.  Very risqué black see through net outfits, leaving nothing to the imagination… almost as revealing as the beach volleyball team at the Paris Olympics.  Ha ha.

Tomorrow we prepare for arrival in Rome and a night at the Yes Hotel.  Then to a wonderful relaxing cruise in the Med. Oceania on the ship Riviera.

Tonight we are settled in bed, the twinkling lights of the city on this clear summer night.  It is a beautiful place.  Really very fortunate to have this opportunity to stay here and take in the view.  Feeling the moment and not wishing it was otherwise.  

Good night from this city not far from home